Chapter 9 (cont.)

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"John, you idiot!" Vera stopped just short of a scream."

James was also furious. "You have to be an ass, don't you?"

"Why would you do that?" Philroy asked pitifully from the blackness.

"Could someone pass the peas?" This was Thomas.

Elsa snorted, "You're joking, right?"

Paul called out, "Marco!"

John, Elizabeth and Violet answered, "Polo!"

Edie moaned, "I can't see anything. How will I get up to my room?'

"We could all tie our napkins together and make a chain," John said.

"Or we could just light the candles again," James growled.

"Who's got matches?" Joan asked.

"We've got some in our room," Marcia slipped.

"Why do you have matches in your room, Marcia? You'd better not be smoking."

"Better not," Thomas said.

"Your father and I would be seriously disappointed if you were. I think I'd just about lose my mind. If you've been pressured into it you know you can talk to us about anything. When we get home there'll be no more computer time in your room."

One could almost hear the eyes rolling in the dark.

"They're not matches," John whispered to Violet. "They're bamboo shoots for her fingernails."

"What's this 'computer' contraption you mention?" Paul asked. It could not be proven who spit the olive pit in Paul's direction, but most odds were on Philroy.

"I've got a light everybody. Hang on," Rosie said. A few false clicks of the lighter finally produced a flame. She lit one candle and used it to light the others. "There are some lanterns in the utility closet. I'll get them so we can all move around."

With one candle less on their end, the Greers all but disappeared again.

Joan used her napkin to get Violet's attention and gave the signal that she and Thomas were about to stage their fight. Violet winked back. "Thomas and Joan, I feel this argument of yours should be a private conversation. You're making me very uncomfortable."

"What's going on?" Edie asked.

"His work is tearing us apart!" Joan wailed, a little over the top.

Thomas put down his peas. "What does my work at the studio have to do with any of it?"

"Only everything! I've always come second to those suits. You care more about fiddling with their numbers..."

"Than fiddling with yours?" John guessed.

"Because you force me!" Thomas was all excitement now. It was ever so authentic to pretend to lace into Joan with the chunk of steak in his mouth. "You're more ambitious than I am, Madam Macbeth, except when it comes to the bedroom depart -"

"NOT another word, Thomas!"

Power was suddenly restored to a refrain of welcoming "ahhs". The break in the darkness exposed the fact that Vera, Elsa, and James were much closer to the room's exit than the seats where each had been.

"It still counts," Joan said to Philroy. He assured her it did.

Dessert was abandoned early. Vera returned to the dining room to say goodnight. "I've had enough, Philroy. It's been a long day and I'm tired. I realize it's up to you what we do next, but please be decent."

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