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I knew what a schedule was. I knew you had to follow it, keep on top of it. And, before I met James, I could do all those things. With James in my life, with him in my bed, a schedule was something foreign and prone to not being remembered.

"Were you expecting someone?" James asked, kissing my neck some more. He gently nibbled my earlobe and then let his tongue trail down to my throat, sucking and licking, so teasingly and so intense that shivers sparked from my head to the tips of my toes. He grinned. "You should really see who it is."

"I know..." I paused. "But you keep..."

"I keep what? Doing this?" James asked, granting my neck to more of his kisses. "It could be important."

"It won't be," I said, wrapping my legs around him so that he had no escape. "Nobody's rang or text."

"Kels," James grunted, squeezing my butt. "Go answer the door."

I frowned as he managed to pull himself free from my grip. He had felt so good underneath me. His bulge pressing against my knickers had jumped straight to my favourite way of being woken up.

After throwing my silk robe on, I made me way to the door, only not before they managed to get another series of loud knocks in.

"About damn time," Tina huffed, knocking past me on her way inside. "I've been stood out there for a good 5 minutes. Why aren't you dressed yet? It's 11am. You're always dressed by now... oh, wait."

"What?" I cleared my throat. "I wanted to sleep in for a change. Why are you smiling? What are you sniffing like that for?"

She shook her head at me, an amused smile on her lips. "Before I start, I just want to remind you of the event you have to be at in one hour. You know, the one you were begged to attend by a group of talented kids."

I groaned. "Shit. I completely forgot about that. It's to raise money for their dance school, isn't it?"

"Mhmm," she nodded. "Now, back to your 11pm sleep in. Your hair is a mess, you're naked underneath that robe, it stinks like sex in here and I'm pretty sure those are James' shoes by the door. Hi James!" she shouted through my bedroom door which was only open an inch.

"Morning, Tina," James replied.

I narrowed my eyes at her. "You're too smug for your own good, you know that?"

"Yep. I'll be in the kitchen helping myself to whatever food you have in. Don't take too long to get ready."

I released a long sigh before re-entering my bedroom, just in time to see James buckling the belt on his jeans. Another sigh escaped. He met my eyes, knowing, and smiled.

"Told you it might be important," he said.

"It's on the lamp."


"Your shirt. It's on the lamp."

He grinned boyishly. "What's this event, then? I heard you mention something about a dance school."

"Yeah. It's a little fair, put on by the students. Should be some kiddy rides there, some stalls. I definitely know there's a kissing booth."

James nodded slowly. "And you're... going to avoid that one?"

"Well, the kids did mention something about setting me up with their hot instructor. Keep in mind, this was when I headlined newspapers for sleazy one night stand escapes."

"That didn't answer my question." He moved from the bed and cornered me against the wall. "Where is this fair, anyway? I'll come."

"Why?" I asked, frowning.

Played By RiggsWhere stories live. Discover now