Chapter 1

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Well, another night, another death. That's my usual deal. My name is Myth, the bat sin of Despair/the unknown eighth sin, or if you get really into it, one of the eight evil thoughts. Anyway, I'm 8512 years old. Yes, I'm that old now shut up about it. I can lure men into my trap and kill them instantly and get my food there. Let me tell you this neither the seven sins or the world know I exist, so that's good. Anyway, I just need one more person tonight to find to feed on, and I found the perfect person. I smirked, walking up to a pale blue-haired man with red eyes. He's perfect I can smell his B type blood. (A/N I went to the wiki of 7 Deadly Sins, and it had it on there soooooo) He's pretty hot if you ask me, but I just need his blood.

I say to the guy, "Hey there."

He responds, turning to look at me, "What do you want?"

"Just want to talk to the hot guy in front of me," I replied. People would think that I could be the sin of lust like this, but I'm not. I started to check him out, and that's when I noticed the fox symbol of greed on his left side of his waist and a giant scar on his neck to his shoulder. That's when it hit me. THIS IS BAN THE FOX SIN OF GREED. DAMMIT!!! I'm DEAD. He looked at me and noticed the bat symbol on my stomach with a questioning look.

He asked, "Is that a bat symbol? Is it like the rest of the sins?"

I disappeared into a bat and tried to get anyway, but the stupid fox sin grabbed me. I transformed back and crossed my arms when he pushed me up against the wall and had his hands pressed up against the shoulder leaning over me. Holy crap this guy is like 6'10-6'11. I'm here being a 4'7 shortie with a giant leaning over me.

I sighed and said, "Well, you see, I'm technically not a seven deadly because there are seven already, but I am a sin like if you ever heard the eight evil thoughts, I guess you can say I'm the eighth, the thought/sin of despair."

"You know that I'm not letting you get away." I looked at him as he sent me this look that made me pretty hopeless.

"It's not like I'm going to win getting out of your grip. I tried once, and that didn't work. What do you think trying to leave again will get me to?"

"Geez, you're pretty damn depressing. I'm taking you to the rest of the sins. I think they'll be happy to find out about you." THIS IS NOT WHAT I WANTED. I DID NOT WANT THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS TO FIND OUT ABOUT ME!!!! DAMMIT!!! DAMN ME AND MY STUPIDITY!!!! Great, I'm dead meat now. This goddamn Asshole picked me up, threw me over his shoulder, and kept an arm over my ass.

I started to throw a tantrum, hitting his back, yelling, "PUT ME DOWN! NOW!!"

"You're bipolar, bitch," Ban scoffed as he dragged me to the Boar Hat (A/N It's been a long While since I watched deadly sins so I might be at the personalities of everyone)

I struggled to get out of his grip. "please let me go..." I don't want to be found out. I WANT TO BE ALONE FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE. I want to see my parents again. I want to be back home. Who am I kidding? I was banished from the kingdom. They'll never take a failure like me back.

Ban pushed me into the Boar Hat, where I tripped and fell on my face, "OW, Asshole, be careful."

¨Shut you," He snarls as he looks around, ¨OI! where is everyone?¨

¨Right here, Ban," a kid with blonde hair says. That's the leader, Meliodas. I haven't seen that face in years.

Ban says, ¨Well, I found someone who you might be interested in."

¨Ummmm. Ban, you brought a little girl," the leader says.

I sighed, ¨I am an 18-year-old female here. I am not a little girl, kid," I retort while brushing off my skirt. 

Ban states, ¨That is not the point. Anyway, she is a sin.¨

¨A sin? There are seven and not eight. All seven are here,¨ Meliodas says (A/N BEWARE SPOILERS!!!! of the manga) 

¨Well,¨ I said. I guess I should say something, "Technically, I am sin. I am the sin of despair. I am the eighth evil thought of the eight evil thoughts, but that doesn't matter...I guess?" Why am I nervous? What is wrong with me? 

A  window randomly burst opened, and a gust of wind traveled through carrying my beautiful little friend, Fang. 

Fang said as he crashed to the floor, "OW! Myth, why did I have to go get dragged into this?" 

"Ummm...Fang, I did not drag you into this. You know what happened, right?" I asked nervously. You see here; Fang is my only true friend. He's been with me my entire life. We've been through thick and thin...literally. Especially after I got banned from the kingdom, he got a curse placed on him always to be a bat, and he cannot be more than 50 miles away from me. I also got part of a curse, but that is another story for another day. If he is, he gets flying sent back to me. I can also summon him to get next to me. I do that a lot just to be a bitch to him. 

Fang sighed, "You idiot." 

"I'm not the idiot. I was kidnapped!" I exclaim. I look over at the sins, "Can I leave?"

"Nope," said Meliodas, "All sins must stay together." Yay, fun....note the sarcasm. That's when the beer was passed around. Ugh, beer's disgusting. 

"I don't drink," I say, sliding my mug to Ban, who was closest to me.

"Seriously?" He takes my beer. I nod because everything but blood is disgusting to me. Eventually, everyone, but Merlin and I, was passed out drunk. 

"I noticed something," Merlin states.

"What did you notice?" I ask wearily.

Merlin smiles slightly, "That you are a vampire." 

"Um, what?" I say.

"First off," she starts, "You don't like beer. Second off, Your best friend is a bat that talks. Third off, I noticed when you got mad at the drunk Ban that your eyes turned red. Now answer the question, truthfully, are you a vampire or not." 

I say words that I never thought I would admit to anyone. 


HOLY CRAP I FINALLY UPDATED!!!! SORRY FOR TAKING FOREVER BUT I HAVE BEEN BUSY! Yes, I am making rewrites, and edits, but I will have the next chapter out, today, hopefully. 


The Sin Of Despair  (Seven Deadly Sins)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora