Chapter 2

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I questioned Merlin, "Why do you assume that?"

She explains, "I'm surprised Gowther didn't notice, but I already explained it earlier to you. Tell me if you are a vampire or not."

I mumbled, "Shit, I'm dead." I then whispered to Merlin, "If I am you wouldn't tell anyone at all."

Merlin answered, "Probably not."

I sighed in relief then confessed, "Fine, I'm a Vampire. Before you ask, We don't sleep at all. I can survive any one of the myths about Vampires' deaths except the wooden stake to the heart."

Merlin nodded adding, "Vampires know Blood Magic. Blood Magic is hard to control right?"

I agreed partially, "It depends on how far along you are learning it. For me, it's extremely easy. I used it since I was first born like black magic. They are all easy to learn for me at least." All of a sudden you hear a loud crash from outside but it turned out to be Diane passing out from being drunk.

"That's why I only have one drink," Merlin says while shaking her head.

"Everything to me but blood is bitter. I only drink blood," I said.

It was the next morning and let me tell you everyone except Fangs, Hawk, Elizabeth, Gowther, Merlin, and I is suffering from a hangover. Merlin and I decided to go out and practice different magic skills in the woods.

Merlin said, "You're quite strong."

I added, "Not as strong as you thought." I looked into the sky and decided to use a spell I've been working on for a little bit to use. I yelled, "DEMONIC NOVA." That's when a giant shadow came about blowing away trees. I stepped back surprised while exclaiming, "OH SHIT!!!!!! THAT WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN!!!!!" Luckily, it only went about 7 miles.

Merlin was shocked, but she managed to speak, "That was extremely powerful. I never have seen an attack like that before."

I'm still shocked that I was just able to get these words out, "What the hell?!?!"

Merlin added, "We should be getting back." I nodded still completely shocked and turned around walking next to Merlin, who kept talking about her magic items, while I just kept my eyes forward completely ignoring her. She said, "What do you think about my magic items?"

I nodded, "They're cool." We made it back to the bar and went inside to be hit with the smell of food that didn't interest me.

Ban was in an apron and asked, "Want some breakfast?"

I shook my head no replying, "I don't like breakfast."

Ban looked at me like crazy, "You don't like breakfast and you don't like drinking. What do you like?"

I replied, "Nothing. I don't eat anything."

"How are you not dead? Are you immortal or not human?"

"I eat something that you can't know because it'll make me look like a crazy person."

"Blood? Do you eat Blood?"

I gave a disgusted look and simply replied, "No, dude, that stuff is disgusting." That's a complete lie. I love blood no matter what type. I love type -AB but it's super rare though.

Merlin added while eating, "Vampires been banished from every town. Anyway, people think they died off, especially after that incident twelve years, ago."

Ban nodded, "But there's been reports about a Vampire being around towns. Actually, this morning when Master and the Princess returned they said that there was another vampire attack last night."

I showed no emotion on my face and stated, "It's probably Fangs. He loves to eat blood."

Fangs flew in hearing his name complaining, "It's too early."

I rolled my eyes, "I just mentioned your name you stupid flying fleabag." Fangs went to attack me when I hit him into the wall where he got knocked out.

Meliodas walked in asking, "What's up with all this noise?"

Ban replied, "Just an innocent fight between a bat and a midget."

He's trying to get me pissed which I am with my red eyes. I spat at him, "I'm not a midget."  He makes a yeah right noise completely ignoring me now.  The nerve of that Jerk. I swear if I wanted people to find out I'm a Vampire then I'll tell them because it means that I'm pissed off from me. You know what I'm going to town. I turned on my left heel, marching out, and slamming the door behind me before running towards the woods to transfer into a bat. I kinda wish I grabbed my cloak. I transferred into a bat and flew to town hiding in an alley turning back to normal and walking out. I look so emo right now I'm surprised that no one is actually looking at me. Whatever. I smell something like the type -AB blood. They are only rare cause us Vamps to drink them, but only Vampire hunters are -AB and that's a major rule. DAMMIT!!!! If that see my clothes they'll think I'm a Vampire. I can't believe I forgot my cloak. I hid in an alley behind a corner. I peeked my head to see a vampire hunter. They always wear stuff that makes them look known as vampire hunters. I smelled TWO vampire hunters.

 I smelled TWO vampire hunters

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(A/N this is what they usually wear)

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(A/N this is what they usually wear)

Damn, I noticed the two hunters. It can't be. No no no no no no no no no no no no no, It can't be them. The people who caused me to sin. The ones who are after me,  Damon and Serna Azarias (both siblings). If they find me they'll murder me right on the spot. Why? Why? Why? Why couldn't I get to not have a wooden stake to my heart? Ugh, I'm going to die. There's nothing to do. I don't want too though. I was looking when I caught Damon's eye. SHIT!?!?!?! RUN BACK TO THE BAR!?!?!?! I can't I'm paralyzed with fear. I smell that they are coming near me. I'm going to die. I wish that I had the sin of pride then I would fight them right on. Should I turn into a bat now? I DON'T KNOW...I GUESS I SHOULD. I turned into a bat and flew faster than the speed of light because I'M SCARED TO DIE! I flew to fast that I smashed into a tree, and I just get knocked out.





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