Chapter 3

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I woke up to see Ban staring down at me.

"What the hell, kid! We were looking everywhere for you, and you end up being unconscious in the forest. No one can know about you," He exclaims angrily. You would think he is the sin of wrath from this anger.

"I...I'm sorry," I rub my arm and see that it is dripping blood. How? I only bleed with wooden stakes. I'm immune to everything else.

Ban rolled his eyes, "You are lucky. We found you just in time before some weird ass people threw a wooden stake at you. They were acting as if you were a vampire. The stake grazed your arm, but got you enough to have a cut."

I looked down and sat up. My head was pounding. I have not had a single taste of blood since Ban kidnapped me. I need Fang to get me blood and fast. "Can I talk to Fang alone?" I asked because I get weak when I bleed and have not had blood in a day. If someone knows, I can withhold an entire year without going for more blood. I am hurt, though, this would have to make me need to have blood. Vampires would not be bleeding as much as I am, but because I have hemophilia where I would suffer a lot. I need to get blood and fast.

Ban nodded and went to get Fang. Within a minute, Fang flies into the room, "What's up with you, Princess?" He asks.

"You know I hate it when people call me that," I roll my eyes before a serious glare gets thrown at Fang, "I need blood and fast."

"You ate not too long ago," Fang states.

I show my arm to him, "This is why. I need something to wrap it up too. I'm bleeding excessively." The wrap that was on my arm was bright red, and it was dripping. I hate being a hemophiliac vampire. I stood up and almost fell.

Fang sighed, "Listen here, go sit the fuck down. I will fly and get your blood. Just change the bandage and try to figure something out." He flies out of the window.

While Fang is off on his search for the blood, I unwrap the bandage. It was going to leave a mark. It was bleeding still. I grab another bandage and wrap it up. Fang better hurry. My eyes felt heavy when I laid back on the bed. Before I knew it, I was out.

~                                                                                         ~                                                                                      ~

 I woke up to the smell of raw meat and blood. I woke up immediately to see a dead rabbit on my lap. "I guess this will work for now." I sigh before taking a bite. It'll slow down the bleeding. A lot. I ate the entire rabbit and sighed. I was full. I should be fine. Right?

Merlin opened the door and shook her head, "Wow, That's incredible. Are you that hungry?" I sighed, "My wound looked better than before, but it was still bleeding."

"Let me see the wound," Merlin responded as she grabbed a chair. She unwrapped the bandage and bit her lip. "This will hurt a lot." was all she said before mumbling, "Patiare innubere nostris in salutem." (A/N It is Latin for aura of health.)  

I bite my tongue back. It hurt like the nine circles of hell was attacking me. "Holy shit," I cursed loudly. I look at the wound, and The wound healed. I smiled and shot right up, "Thank you. Thank you so much, Merlin." I started to walk out. 

"Just be careful," Merlin shoots me a cautious look, "Gowther is suspecting something about you, and I know that he was talking about it to the others while you were out." I nodded. I'm happy that I have Merlin to lean on. 

I rub my head, "I do not want for them to know right now. This will be something to talk about in the near future." 

"Also, I've been digging into your past..."

Uh. Oh.


Sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, I updated very crappily. This book will get worse do not worry. BTW I might make mistakes, and if you can tell me nicely as a way to tell me that i messed up please do and do not go

Me: I have writer's clock 

Commenter: Block*

Can you do this????

Me: I have writer's clock. 

Commenter: I just wanted to tell you that you wrote clock instead of block. 

Also, DO NOT correct my informantion unless if you have proof because I try to do my research btw THIS IS A FANFICTION FOR A DIFFERENT WORLD THEY ARE NOT FROM EARTH!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS FICTION....

SORRY for the rant, 


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