4. Scars

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I repetitively slammed my fist against the metal bars that restrained me until my fists began bleeding.

Tears started rimming my eyes, "Help! Can anyone please help me!" I choked on my own tears that were pooling out of my eyes.

"No." A powerful voice boomed. A second later, a shadowy figure appeared in front of me. I squinted to try my best to see if I could make out any features of the man's face but I had no such luck.

I shuddered back against the wall frantically, distancing myself away from the creepy figure.

"Please! Don--don't hurt me!" I screamed as the dark shadow came closer to my cell.

"No one can help you, Famous Wolf." The manly voice said as he used the meaning of my name for emphasis. "No one cares about you, Ruelle." The man snickers.

"No, tha--that's not true." My voice comes out shaky, it sounds like I'm trying to convince myself that someone does cares about me.

"Are you thinking about the Lightwoods?" The man hummed. "How about your dearest brother, Jace?
If they cared about you, they would be here right now, but they aren't. Are they?"

Of course the man was asking a rhetorical question but I still looked around me as if someone would pop out of no where to help me. I tried my best to not let his words get to me, to not let his words sink in but it was too late.

"Your right" I whisper to the man as I sunk down against the wall and hugged my knees, tears were streaming down my face like a leaking faucet.

"I'm always right, Ruelle. Remember that!" The man yelled as he turned around to a table next to him.

I gulped audibly and wiped my tears with the back of my sleeve.

"Wake up." The man whispers harshly.


Part of me was expecting for someone to be in the room looking over me but not to my surprise, the infirmary was as empty as a desert. I sighed and replayed every word the shadowy figure said to me in my dream. His words were sticking with me now more than ever. As I went to push myself off the bed, I noticed that my hand was throbbing in pain. I looked down at my right fist and just as I thought, it was bruised and battered as if I really had beat the shit out of metal. I held my fist and got up to clean my wound as best as I could.

"Hey... Your up." Hodge smiled while leaning against the doorframe of the infirmary.

"Yeah," I sighed heavily and walked closer to him while still wrapping my fist, "please tell me you have some sort of idea on helping me fix this-stupid hallucination thing." I pleaded while looking into his eyes.

"Ruelle, I really hate to break it to you but, I have never seen anything like this in my life." Hodge said grimly. He cleared his throat, "what happened to your hand?"

I groan and throw myself back on the bed in frustration.

"I punched metal in my sleep." I bluntly say.

Hodge mumbled an 'oh' and sad down next to me on the bed without asking further questions. We sat in a comfortable silence while I thought to myself. I felt tired and emotionally drained not mention, weak. I couldn't help but admit to myself that I was utterly weak and I'm never like this.

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