Memory Four

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The sweater larry will be sharing is up there!


PART I | "I wanna be with you

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PART I | "I wanna be with you..."

His fingers grasped the burger, as it stood only inches away from his mouth, tongue laying inside of it aimlessly. But he didn't take a single bite of it yet, mainly because he could feel his stomach churning at the sight, only a few tables away from them. A sight that his poor eyes have to see almost everyday since his life as a high school freshman had miserably began, and he pities the previous innocence that was swept away from them as well. Yes, he could obviously turn away from them and focus on something more valuable, like his actual lunch or his friends who were chatting away right in front of him, but the thing was he couldn't.

His eyes seemed glue to the scene, and they'd usually stay like that until one out of the three things happened. He'd actually feel like throwing up right there if he continued watching anymore, his friends would snap him out of his supposed staring or he'd catch someone's eye and would bow his head in embarrassment, while laughter erupted from the other side of the cafeteria.

But, none of that happened yet, so Harry thought he was good to go.

There he sat, the one and only Louis fucking William Tomlinson. (Yes, he still called him by his full name.) His head was tilted back as high pitched laughs left from between his thin lips, and Harry could still hear those familiar sounds echo through his mind. But, the difference now was that he wasn't the one creating them, but someone else was. Someone he despised the most for more reasons than one.

His chestnut colored hair was styled up in a soft fringe, that made Harry want to run his long fingers through them

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His chestnut colored hair was styled up in a soft fringe, that made Harry want to run his long fingers through them. His blue eyes twinkled with amusement, as he continued talking animatedly to the guys sitting in front of him. A fond smile brushed across Harry's cheeks, once seeing Louis' small fingers dance across his tray, before stopping besides his slice of greasy pizza. He latched those same fingers across the crust of it and carried the food up to his lips, taking small bites, and his adam's apple bobbed up and down with each swallow.

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