The Big Brother I Appear to be

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Hey Guys... I noticed that the way i talk to some of you guys as if i am like your older brother,

I tend to be protective just the fact my father isnt here to protect m little sister or my mother... So i grew up being protective of both

And thats how ill act with my friends

And how i acted around with you guys to who ever pmed me

If you guys didn't notice haha
But yeah

I come off as a protective guy, and i dont let anyone who im close to get hurt... Ill like cuddle or give hugs, or whatever but that's just me... Thats how i act with everyone
who i care about

But yeahh thats all i guess

Also dont be scared to pm... I love to talk to people so Yeahh

Austin's Bio xDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora