I Got It Guys

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Sooo i told you guys that I wanted to write a story...

Heres my idea for it

Main character is going to be my sister, she'll be 17 years old, living with me when... Damn when im 27 xD

And setting is still in canada, Vancouver, but into le future, in her teen years... For now im not adding my mother in this cause well I really don't feel like to write about her at the moment.

But since i really liked ShadowsDie17 's Book 'The Gamer Girl'

Shadows suggested me to write about my sister being a gamer, and the protective brother i am, i guess i would be the buzzkill and not let her do anything, so she always stays in cause of that....

Thats all i got so far, i need more ideas so if you got any.. Please help me out, this is my first story and i want it to be good

Anyways thats all


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