Hey... So

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I was wondering if i were to write a story and post it, who would read it?

I feel like you guys only read my stuff cause that im a guy on this app, im aware that not much guys go on this app, it's mainly girls,

And ive been told that i have so many followers because of one reason, and that is because i am a guy... Kinda true, i mean i met like two guys on this app... So i guess it's true....

And i always have to ask, cause like i dont want to write a story just to have no one read it, or to have you guys read it even if your not interested in to and continues to reading just because im a guy writing the book

But yeahh comment dont be shy, i know alot of you are shy and dont comment but i want you guys to comment.... I want feedback

Anyways on another note,

I just got back from the movies with one of my friends and i am now bored, she left after the movies, and now i have nothing to do and thats when I thought about writing a book and yeahhh

I want everyone Comment, dont be those people who read and dont say anything about it, i want ti hear what you guys have to say about me writing something.... Talk to me you guys xD

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