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"So, are you sitting with them?" He asks, gripping the tray with our food tightly as I walked beside him. "I guess so, I don't have other tables to sit on." I explain and Jungkook nods, walking up to the table where they were and Hoseok smiles, "glad to see you trying dinner here for the first time." Hoseok says as Jungkook put my food on the table.

Wait, isn't he going to sit here? "Where are you going?"

"I'll be there." He points to a table at very corner of the cafeteria where four boys sat and I just nod. "I'll see you later." He waves.

Once there weren't anymore traces of Jungkook left they all squealed. "I told you!" Sarah exclaims, "are you dating?!" Bernette asked loudly as Belle and Bella hit each other. Vanessa was talking to Jimin and I turn to look at Jungkook, even if he was really far from me.

He waves with a bright smile, catching the attention of the one with grey as a hair color. The boy smirks and says something to Jungkook. Who is he?

"We're... we're not dating. Friends, I guess" Hoseok furrows his eyebrows. "I guess?! Oh my god." Jersey laughs, Yvonne trying to check if there was something in her hair. Oh dear, what have I gotten myself into?

Hoseok raises his hand up, bringing silence into the racket and I widen my eyes. What's up, "get yourselves together, we're not in a market." Hoseok warily says. Oh, so he's the leader here.

"Sorry." Trish mumbles.

We ate in peace, although there were some cases where Rose shouts at Jersey for stealing her food. It was awkward, weird, uncomfortable. I'm not used to this kind of people.

"What are you doing here?" Hoseok's voice rung in my ear as I looked at him only to see him glaring at a figure at the end of the table.


He smirks, placing his hand on top of his head with his eyes glistening bright as he looked at me. "I'm here to pick up Ellie." Sarah squeals beside Bernette who is trying not to scream and I smile, "Uh... thanks for letting me stay with you guys. I'll see you all tomorrow." I wave goodbye and gave Hoseok a kiss on the cheek before walking away with Jungkook.


Who does he think he is? Trying to be all sweet with my sister? I trust him, yes. But that doesn't mean he has all the rights to call her names and hold her hand without any relationship between them.


"Shut up. I'm just concerned."

"As far as I can remember, you told me you had different feelings for Ellie." Jersey snorts, taking another french fry from Rose's plate. "Jersey! those are mine!" Rose shouts.

I roll my eyes, "that was two years ago! I've gotten over whatever those could be and I'm happy with my girlfriend." Lies. Have I really gotten over them? No, definitely not.

I just really can't stand broken promises, mostly to my girlfriend who I am trying to fall deeply more in love with on which I can't do. I wish I can but I just really am hopeless. I don't want to fall in love with my sister.

"Sheesh, it isn't her fault that she's got two lads in love with her." Bella protests as I eyed all of them with a hint of anger. Jimin chuckles, "not like he can stop feeling that way." I punched his arm, even though he doesn't get hurt at all.

Jolene snorts, "He's going to move on. Have some faith with our leader." Jimin shakes his head as the whole table becomes a party once again, my head spinning as thoughts came one by one back into my brain. I can't stop thinking of anything else but her.

Walking back to the dorm hall, I wave goodbye to them. It was quiet with Bella as company, I turned my look into the familiar hall as to where I guided her to, Bella smiling. "You know she's okay, right? She can handle herself."

"Not like she is on the right age to be independent."

"That's not the point, she's grown up. She's fine. She doesn't always have to be running up to you and telling you she's scared."

"I want her to stay like that."

"Nothing lasts forever, Hoseok." she twists the keys with her fingers as she sighs. "Look, she might be your little sister but she has her own life."

I didn't say anything.

Hearing the keys dangling as she pressed it into the hole, I heard the door open. "I'll leave this unlocked for an hour or so, you can go to her." She shooed me away and I smile. Running up to the hall and knocking the door with the familiar number in front of me.

There wasn't any answer, I sigh and tried to knock again and I heard muffled voices through the door. What are they doing?

Finally footsteps neared the door and it was opened. "Kuya! what are you doing here?" A grin was on her face as I tried to look behind her and not look obvious. "Just wanted to check if you're okay." I almost whispered, she opened the door wider offering me to enter.

Jungkook was obviously on her bed, still wearing the clothes he was wearing in the cafeteria. His eyes were focused on his phone, the brightness shining his face and I continued examining the place. I'm glad she's okay.

"No thanks, I was just passing by. I'm glad you're not in danger or anything." a tired giggle left her lips as a huge grin stays on her face and I turn to her. "Kuya, you can always trust me." She states.

I click my tongue, giggling a bit to keep up the mood but something caught my eye when I scanned her features. No sign of wounds but there was something that makes my blood boil.

I don't know if Ellie knows or not, maybe he could have done it during her slumber or that's what they were doing before she answered the door but it's completely disgusting to my perspective. "Well have a good night!" I smiled, acting cooly not to at least break that cute smile that is highlighting her appearance.

She seems happy and I'm content.

Giving me a kiss on the cheek before closing the door, I balled my fists. "I should've known" repeatedly said to myself, anger filling up my veins as I growled out all of the contained feelings inside of me.

I shouldn't have trusted her with someone from Section 19. I should've asked the principal to transfer her to a different dorm.

She shouldn't have that on her skin, that bitemark. That bitemark shouldn't be there.

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