Star Trek Voyager: Bonds of Love, Ties of Family (Chapter 2)

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Seven couldn’t help but draw back instinctively from the Mess Hall as its doors opened to reveal that it was crammed with both celebrating crewmembers and strangers, Starfleet officers who’d been beamed over to assess Voyager’s condition. She looked down self-consciously when she felt Chakotay squeeze her hand supportively, “Don’t worry, they’ll love you.” He whispered in her ear soothingly.

Seven quirked an eyebrow wryly, “What makes you say that?”

“I’ve heard you’re famous in the Federation now. You’re the first fully liberated drone ever; that makes you very special.” Chakotay explained with a warm smile.

Seven’s brow creased slightly, “I am uncertain if I want to be “famous”. Don’t you recall the trouble the Doctor had with the people who were fanatical about his singing?”

Chakotay chuckled at the memory, “How could I forget? But I don’t think that will happen to you, if your fans get too rabid I’ll beat them back.” He replied with a teasing smile.

Seven took a deep breath as she stepped into the room. “Thank you in advance.” She murmured to Chakotay as the room fell conspicuously silent. Seven felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise as she sensed the many pairs of curious and apprehensive eyes watching her carefully.

“Hi Seven!” Naomi appeared out of the crowd and eagerly flung her arms around Seven’s waist in a hug. After initially stiffening in surprise, Seven easily accepted and returned the affection.

“Good morning Naomi.” She replied as she saw Chakotay being led away by an Admiral she dimly recognised as Lieutenant Paris’ father.

Naomi stepped out of the hug, quickly appraising her friend’s new attire, a royal blue jersey dress with three quarter length sleeves that fell to just below her knee. “You look great Seven!” she enthused before her voice took on a confidential tone, “Did Commander Chakotay help you choose?” she asked knowingly.

“He approved, yes.” Seven admitted shyly, pausing as she saw Ensign Wildman approach with an unknown Ktarian. “Your father is here Naomi?” she asked the little girl quietly.

Naomi bit her lip anxiously, “Yeah, Mom thought it would be better for us to meet here rather than on Earth where I don’t know anyone…”

“That was reasonable of her, it’s easier to begin to adapt to things in familiar surroundings.” Seven told her calmly, frowning when she saw nervousness still lingering in Naomi’s eyes. “I thought you had been getting to know your father over the comm. line, don’t you like him?”

“I do but…” Naomi began defensively, “I’m going to have live alone with him and Mom, I won’t live here anymore…” A small sob of fear left her throat and she pressed her face against Seven’s waist, who gently put an arm around her shaking shoulders and unconsciously began to soothingly stroke her hair as Naomi continued, “I won’t see you or Icheb or the Doctor or any of my friends…”

“You will, I will come and see you and so will many others, this crew do not give up friends easily.” Seven murmured, “I know that we have a lot to adapt to but I’m sure we’ll be fine and grow to like life here.”

Naomi sniffed as she wiped her face dry. “Yeah, I’ll try to adapt Seven. That’s the best quality for a Captain’s assistant to have, the ability to adapt to any situation!”

“I agree.” Seven murmured, glad that she had somehow managed to restore the girl’s confidence, if only she could do that so effectively with her own!

“Seven! I’m glad to see you; you forgot to attend your maintenance check this morning!” The Doctor approached them hurriedly, his peevish voice echoing around the entire hall. “Where were you?”

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