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"Hey Liv guess what", my best friend Josi hugged me quickly and looked at me. "Guess what!!"

"Are you okay? What happened?", I answered.
"Guess WHAT!"

She seemed excited and was totally freaking out.

"Yeah that's my name", I said, acting annoyed.
"I just got tickets. Concert tickets! FOR SHAWN HERE IN NEW YORK!!"

Ahh that was the reason she was so happy. Since Josi discovered the Canadian singer and songwriter Shawn Mendes, she was a big fan and talked about him for hours each day.
I should have known it had to do something with Shawn that she was so excited.

"That's nice! I'm so happy you can go there!", I said and smiled. I knew how much that meant to her.

"Livvv I'm not going alone, YOU're gonna go with me!! I got you a ticket too!", she laughed.

"Wow oh my god Josi thank you so much, it'll be so fun to go there together!", I said.

Don't miss understand me. I like Shawn Mendes. His music is pretty good and his voice too. He also seems very nice and he's so sweet. But I wouldn't call myself a big fan or something. I'm happy to go to his concert with Josi but it's not life goals, you know what I mean?

"And guess what!"

"JOSI! Tell me already!", I laughed and smiled at her. It was so sweet to see how excited she was.

"I GOT MEET AND GREET TICKETS!! LIV WE'LL MEET SHAWN!!", she screamed and hugged me tightly.

I hugged her back.
"WOW JOSI! That's awesome!!"

"Olivia and Josefina, the lesson already started can you please be quiet?!", the strong voice of our history teacher interrupted us.

Josi just arrived in class when she started telling me about the tickets and we didn't notice the teacher coming in. Oops.

So we stopped talking for some minutes.

"I still can't believe i got tickets, it's so amazing!", Josi whispered to me after some time.

"It's incredible", I answered.

When history class was finally finished, we both were really happy. We hated history and now there were just 2 relaxed hours of art class before we were finally on spring break.

Guess what we were talking about after the history lesson.
Josi seriously got Meet and Greet tickets this morning and she was freaking out about this.

I also thought it was really nice, I mean Shawn seems to be a very nice guy, why not meeting him?
The concert would already be in 2 weeks and that made Josi even more freak out.
I wasn't sure if she would survive the time until the concert.. but probably she would die while meeting Shawn so she would be dead after that all, when ever. Anyway, she talked about nothing else the whole time.

Soon art class was finished and we had holidays now.
After saying bye to all of my other friends and class mates, I went home with Josi.
My parents were already on vacation since one day so I would spend about two weeks by Josi what we thought was pretty amazing.

My brother Matt who was 18, about 3 years older than Josi and me, would spend the time by his friend and I was glad things were like this cause we weren't really best friends in the last months.... so I lived by my best friend for some days and we had a lot of fun.

Every day Josi went more crazy and was more excited for the concert. I was sure she would really not survive till she'd meet Shawn but I was wrong.

Now it was Friday morning and I just woke up.

Some minutes later I heard Josi yawning so I whispered "good morning".

Some seconds later after she yawned again, she said "LIV DO YA KNOW WHAT'S TODAY?!?" so loudly that I told her to shut up, I was still kinda sleeping even though I was awake and don't judge me, I love sleeping.
"You're gonna tell me in some moments so I'll wait till then", I said.
"Haha you're right", she smiled.
How is it possible to be awake AND IN SUCH A POSITIVE MOOD so so early in the morning? It was 8:30 am something and YES that's early for me!

"Today's Friday do ya know what that means?", Josi smiled.

"The concert is tomorrow!"

"100 points to Liv!"

"Thanks." It wasn't a big thing to get the right answer since Josi talked about nothing else than the concert and Shawn.
How can someone be such a big fan??

Soon we had breakfast and after that we decided to go shopping.

I thought shopping would be something where Josi wouldn't be fangirling so incredible much but again I was proved wrong.
First everything was fine and we did our shopping like other teenagers do too, but then we were in that shop where they played Stitches and you can imagine what happened.
The shop assistant told us to go out of the shop cause we were singing too loud and we "bothered" the other people who wanted to buy something in that shop.

And to be honest it wasn't just Josi who sang that loud. I told you I like Shawn too. His music is really good, no doubt.

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