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I must have fallen asleep again because the sun was shining in my face when I opened my eyes.

I took a look at the clock next to my bed.

11.10 am. OH NO! I promised Josi I'd meet her at the cafe at 11!

I searched my phone while putting on some clothes to find it under my pillow. When I unlocked it the first thing I noticed was that I was still on Shawns twitter. I sighed and checked his recent tweets.

(I made them up I don't remember Shawns radio City tweets haha)

'Radio City. So UNREAL. Thank you so much New York I love you ❤'


And i wished at least one of the hearts was meant for me..

Then I hurried up and texted Josi back, who already texted me about twenty times.

Liv: HI LOVE I'm so sorry I've slept until NOW

Josi: haha everything's alright Liv come on, hurry up and then meet me here

Liv: I will, promise

Josi: u already want me to order you sth? A coffee and some chocolate chip muffins?

Liv: sounds GREAT, you're the best

Josi: Ik. Now hurry up

Liv: okay okay mom

Josi: 😘

I made a little stop in the bathroom before I hurried down the stairs, got an apple and told my parents where I'd go before I went outside.

It was a wonderful, warm day of spring and I happily made my way through the streets of the city until I arrived at the cafe where Josi and i usually met. It was pretty close to the central park.

(I'm german, I've never been to NY so pls don't blame me for writing weird things haha)

It was a little cozy place and they had the best chocolate chip muffins ever, trust me.

I should take Shawn here one day.. he'd love it..  I thought and hugged Josi.

She actually got me a coffee and some muffins and I hungrily started to eat them while we talked about some random stuff.

Josi is honestly the best. That kinda best friend who is incredibly crazy and liked to talk and sing out loud a lot, but who's also always there for you and who gets you a coffee whenever she thinks you need some and she knows me so well that she's actually always right.

"Liv?", Josi interrupted me from my thoughts.

"Hm?", I said while eating my third muffin.
I like muffins and the ones here are the best, okay?!

"What happened?"

Oh didn't I say that she knows me so well..


"C'mon Liv, you don't really think I don't notice that something's wrong. Or different, whatever. You're not the same"


"Man LIV stop with this one-word-thing. Tell me"

I sighed. It made no sense to not tell her, she'd ask me until she'd know it or she'd guess it. And she's my best friend so I decided to tell her.

"It's because of the concert..", I started.


"And the meet and greet.."

She nodded quietly and didn't interrupt me until I had finished telling her everything. What happened at the Meet and Greet, how I felt now and all that stuff.

Then she started talking and told me things like how sweet Shawn and I would be together and that she was a fan indeed so she also loved Shawn but that was another kind of love and that she'd start to ship Shawn and me and that this was perfectly okay for her and that she was sure Shawn loved me too and would try to find me and we'd come together one day, what made me smile.

I wasn't so sure about that but Josi made me feel so good again and I was so grateful for that.
We talked a bit about this Shawn thing until she had to go so we both payed, left the cafe and said goodbye to each other.

In 2 days these holidays were already over and school would start again.

Time flies so fast...

I went home and that one Canadian person was on my mind all the time.

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