They're MINE!!

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Romans office^^-pic


I woke up the next morning for work not really in the mood for all the paperwork. I rolled out of bed literally and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and get dressed. Once I was done I took out my armani suit and headed to the girls room.

"Charlotte get up honey" I said shaking her lightly she was knocked out. I shook her again and she slowly got up.

"Goodmorning pops" she said sleepily. I kissed her forward and told her it's time to get up.

I went to Chloes bed and tried waking her up. She wouldn't budge so I started tickling her on her stomach and toes.

"Ahhh" she said said flying up and laughing.

"Time to get up sweetie" I told her kissing her forehead

They headed to the bathroom and brushed their teeth, they got in the shower last night so they went to their closet.

"Roman we're getting dressed" Chloe said, I know it'll be hard for them to call me dad.
"Go" they both said to me. Wow I feel the love but never the less I left their room and went downstairs to make eggs and bacon.

The girls came downstairs. They looked very nice for their first day of school today. Charlotte had on black skinny jeans with a red Michael kors sweater and her black Michael kor boots. Chloe had on skinny jeans with a guess sweater and a jean jacket with her guess sneakers.

"You girls look great" I said while sharing the food. Once we were done eating I took the girls to school I walked them in and they were embarrassed but it was all love and it was their first day of middle school I can't help it.

-At work

I walked onto my floor and was greeted by everyone. I noticed Ariana wasn't here yet hmm her kids must have her held up

"Mr.Riches Ariana called and said she's running late by 10 minutes" My secretary said

"Thank you for the heads up" I told her and smiled.

I was about to walk past Ariana desk when I noticed that picture of her kids again I swear only my family has those eyes. I picked up the picture and went to fax it to my mom. After I sent it i put her picture back on the desk and it was perfect timing because she just walked out the elevator I smiled at her and turned around walking to my office.

I'm going to find out what Arianas trying to hide. I wonder why she doesn't make that much eye contact with me or mention her kids. I'm determined to find out.


"LEO, GIO AND ELLA hurry up I'm already going to be late" I yelled from the door. I heard little  footsteps running down the stairs and they bolted through the door. I ran to the car and made sure they were buckled in. I quickly drove them to school luckily they serve breakfast at school. I sped to work I called the secretary and told her  I was 10 minutes late.

-At work

I finally made it to work when I was walking  out the elevator  I saw Mr. Riches standing by my desk but before I made it over he turned around and left into his office.

Nothing seems to be misplaced but the picture of my kids is tilted inside the frame. I hope he isn't suspicious of anything or figures out that it's actually his kids. Does he even remember that night?

"Hey Maria was anybody by my desk this morning" I asked her politely

"Just Mr. Riches, that's it" she said smiling.

Me and Mr.Billionaires ChildrenWhere stories live. Discover now