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Today was exhaustingYou had to wake up earlier than usual because school just started.

You plopped down on you bed,closing your eyes,letting the relaxation overwhelm you.

You sit up on you bed, groaning.walking over to the dresser,and grabbing you phone.

Jagi💗- coming the in 8.

You decided to ignore the text,not feeling up to it.You wanted your boyfriend to come,just didn't want to text back.


You had almost fallen asleep when your bedroom door open.Being the lazy person you are, you didn't open your eyes.

You felt lips kiss you cheeks gently. Knowing who it was you didn't open you eyes.

"My sleeping beauty." The whisper in you ear.

Little did he know, you weren't asleep.

You decided to trick your boyfriend,you always have tricking you boyfriend.

"I love you.You're perfect to me.Everything you do is always perfect.I'm happy that your mine and forever will be. I will always be here for you.I love you to the moon and back." He whisper in you ear slowly intertwining your hands with his.

"I love you too." You said slowly opening your eyes smiling at him.

He looked shocked.

He suddenly smashed his lips onto yours, kissing you roughly.He was now on top of you.

"Never forget what I said." The8 said pulling away from the kiss.

"Never." You smile.

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