Chapter 8

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Half way through her drawing, she heard a knock on the door and a limping Newt walked in. Blood was dripping down his neck and bleeding through his shirt. Rose immediately got up to help him.

"What'd your shuck face do now?" Rose said as she moved his head a little to the left.

"Bloody tree branch got me."

"Sit down and I'll stitch ya up." Rose couldn't help but giggle at the injured boy. It wasn't that Newt was accident prone, he just happened to work himself so much he'd end up hurt. Rose grabs some of the numbing agent the Traders had come up with along with a needle, thread, water, and a rag. She gives Newt the supplies to hold and starts cleaning out the cut. "How did you even manage to get cut like this from a tree?" Rose says as Newt flinches. He doesn't answer; instead he just shrugs his shoulders. Rose finishes cleaning the wound and starts threading the string through the needle. "Put some of that numbing stuff on it." Newt puts some of the agent on his fingers and rubs it over his cut. "This is still gonna hurt." Rose says as she finishes the threading and holds it up to the cut.

"I know. Just get it over with."

"Good that." Rose says as she pushes the needle through his skin.

"Shuck Rose!" Newt yells.

"Oh shut your hole!" Rose giggles as she continues to lace the string between the open wound. Newt kept flinching and groaning every time she stuck the needle through his skin but it was soon over with and he could relax again. Rose cuts the remaining string and ties it off. "There ya go." Rose says in a mocking voice as she smirks and starts taking the supplies off his lap.

"That's all I bloody get, Rosie?" Newt asks he bites his bottom lip and holds her arms so she can't move. Their faces centimeters away from each other. Rose's heart stops and butterflies accumulate in her stomach. She can't help but smile as her cheeks turn bright red. Newt moves his nose against hers, still holding her arms to prevent her from moving.

"What are you doing?" Rose asks, still smiling.

"Yeah, Newt. What're ya doing?" Clint jokes as he walks into the room causing Newt to let go of Rose.

"Just getting stitched up. See you at lunch, Rosie." Newt says with a smirk as Rose finishes grabbing the things from his lap.

Once his lap is cleared, Newt stands and give Rose a kiss on the cheek and leaves the room. All Rose can do is shake her head. She always got embarrassed when one of the guys saw her and Newt like that. She never really knew why, but it always happened. As she puts the supplies away, she catches Clint glances at her and chuckling.

"Slim it!" Rose snaps with light laughter.

"She say anything?" Clint changes subject.

"Nope. Not a word." Rose said as she finishes putting the supplies back. Clint rolls his eyes and sighs, clearly frustrated.

"Okay, well. It's my shift so you can go do whatever." Clint says as he goes to sit in the seat next to the coma girl.

"No, you go do whatever. You and Jeff have been up like crazy. I'm well rested."

Clint doesn't protest. He nods and leaves the room. Clint was never one to argue with anything anyone said, especially when it came to Rose. He always had to listen to her anyway. She couldn't help but wonder if he still views her as a Keeper and that's why he didn't bother protesting.

Rose went back to drawing. Within minutes, she was completely lost in her work. The way the soft graphite glided against the paper became soothing and all her thoughts had drifted away. The only thing that brought her back was that she heard the girl mumble but that's all it was. A mumble, too mumbled to understand. Rose waited a few minutes to make sure she wasn't going to say anything else and then went back to her drawing.

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