Chapter 12

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"Look, the way I see it. I'm gonna die sitting around here waiting anyway. Might as well go exploring and maybe get a little lucky for once." Rose spoke quietly expecting Alby and Newt to go off but that's not what happened.

"Rose has a point. I'll go in too if I have to." Newt said, staying calm. Everyone seemed to be shocked by what Newt said. He never mentioned ever going back in the Maze after his accident. But now, he was willing. He was ready to find a way out.

"With your bum leg?" Alby snapped.

Newt looked at his leg and frowned slightly. "Well I'm not asking the Gladers to do something I'm not bloody willing to do." Newt's confidence rose again.

"Whatever. Do what you want." Alby said as he scooted off the bed.

"Do want I want? Are you sayin' we have a buggin' choice? Should we just sit around on our butts and wait to be snuffed by Grievers?" Newt questioned, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Sounds better than running to them." Alby retorted, showing no remorse in his words. "Seriously, you guys know I'm all screwed up. I'm sorry. I shouldn't be the stupid leader anymore." The room became silent. The Gladers surprised Alby would say anything like that. He liked being the leader and yet he was willing to throw in the towel.

"Oh bloody-" Newt began but was cut off.

"No!" Alby shouted, his face showing defeat, surrender. "That's not what I meant! Just listen to me. I ain't saying we should switch of any of that klunk. I'm just saying....I think you guys need to make your own decisions. I don't trust myself anymore." Alby finished.

Rose couldn't believe what Alby had said. He was losing all hope and was defeated. She never thought she'd see the once brave and strong Glader admit defeat. Minho and Newt seemed to be thinking the same thing since neither of them fought or even looked mad.

"Uh...okay." Newt said slowly. "We'll make it work. I promise." Newt held confidence and reassurance in his voice.

"Yeah." Alby muttered in response. "Hey, tell you what. Put me in charge of the maps tomorrow and I'll work every Glader to the bone."

Newt and Minho agreed. Rose didn't bother agreeing, it wasn't her place to agree or disagree with the decisions being made. She needed to just do what Newt thought was right. He was always right and he'd do everything to make sure things went as smoothly as possible.

"It was pretty stupid of us to sleep in here tonight. Should be in the map room studying those things." Alby continued, almost hinting towards wanting to leave.

"Good that." Minho said. It was the first sane thing Alby said all night. They really should have started studying those maps last night but no one thought they'd be stuck with the Doors not closing a second night in a row.

"Tell you what, I'll go." Alby said with a confident nod. "Right now."

Newt looked appalled as he shook his head. "Forget that, Alby. Already heard them Grievers moaning out there. We'll wait till the wake-up."

"You're the ones giving me the pep talks but now you're telling me not to do something. Let me do this. I need to do this." Alby almost pleaded with Newt but everyone knew he was going to go to the map room regardless of what any of them had to say.

"You can't be serious! You can't go out there!" Newt argued, wasting his breath.

"See you shucks in the morning." Alby said mockingly as he took the key off his key ring and left the room. Rose was surprised at the bravery and determination that had overtaken Alby so suddenly.

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