⭐⭕ Frisk x Reader x Chara: He told me⭕⭐

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You tried to get comfortable in your bed,but you couldn't. You felt empty. After everything that happened, why wouldn't you?


You stood their, watching him cut off papyrus head. He stepped on it without a care in the world and just like that,papyrus was no more. The boy grabbed your hand. You knew what would happen next. You let the tears flow out as you were dragged to Waterfall.

You felt weak,powerless.

You couldn't change this. " Y/N?" Asked the little boy. He stopped and looked up at you. You were in the tall grass." Y/N be quiet. She'll hear us." He said." B-but......." You trailed off.
"Who goes there!?" Yelled Undyne. She looked at the grass. You tried your best to keep it in. After she left,the boy pulled you out of the grass.

"Y/N? Why are you crying?" He asked.

"B-because........ He didn't deserve that!" You said." He was so kind and you just killed him! Don't you know what happens next!? " you yelled at him. He nodded." Then that annoying kid comes,Undyne will fight me,and we move on." He said.
"But why did you do this!?" You yelled." Why?" He repeated.

"Easy. Cause it's fun." He replied smiling.

"Fun!? You think killing is fun!? You think that murdering somebody's loved ones is fun!?" You yelled in anger.
"Yeah. But it's okay." He said." What? Why!?"

"Because I have you."

~Backflash over

So here you are. Your sleeping in a bed of yellow flowers. Guess Flowey must've made them for you guys. The flowers smelt nice though. Chara was asleep. His knife was hanging from his hand and he was snoring. You had to admit,he looked kinda cute.

Despite that he's holding a knife.

You sighed. His hands were covered in dust. You were covered in nothing but your clothes. You were always involved in the battles,but you never gained EXP or LOVE.


That means that you have no sins.

You ripped a petal off of a flower and went on.

"I have no sins."

"I have sins."

"I have no sins."

"I have sins."

"I have no sins........"

You gasped.

You don't bother to rip the last petal. You tore the flower up and threw it to the ground. You layed you head back on the flowery pillow.

"I have no sins. I have no sins. I have no sins." You chanted over and over." I have NO sins." You said. You kept chanting until you finally went to sleep.

~The next day

You walked across the bridge,holding Chara's hand." Yo!" Said monster kid." Undyne told me that you two have been doing some baaaaad things." He went on." Y/N,stay there." Commanded Chara. You did as was told and just stood there. Chara got close to MK." Y-yo...." He went on." What's up with your creepy smile?" He said." M-man. I'm so freaked out. What would Undyne do?" He mumbled. He turned around.
"H-hey....yo.... If you want to go any further..." Chara just smiled at the monster's statement. "Your gonna have to...."

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