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Mica looked at the paper the principal had given to her and it looked like she was having all her periods in one class except for biology and calculus, unlike her former school where each periods had its own class. Well she's going to learn how to live with this.

Now she had to go find her class.

She bumps into someone on her way, her books falling down in the process.

"Watch where you are going to you idiot." Someone with a high pitched voice said.

Mica looked up from her book, ignoring the insult. She looks at the girl and her two friends, standing in front of her, her blonde hair in a tight ponytail making her eyes look like they belonged to a Puma, her blue eyes staring daggers at her.

"Yeah, watch where you're going." A girl with her blonde hair down and blueish green eyes said.

"What?" Mica asked confused.

"Shut up," Another blonde girl said, making sure she pushed her with her hand in the process. Mica looked at the three of them shocked "You're supposed to be apologizing right now." The one that pushed her said.

"Apologizing?" Mica asked a question but not necessarily demanding for an answer. "You guys bumped into me and look," She points to her books on the tiled floor "you fell my books."

"Oh, poor little girl got her books on the floor," The blonde girl with the ponytail mocked.

"Sorry." The one that had pushed her said while laughing and the rest joining in as well as they walked away.

Mica sighed shaking her head. She had no time for this and beside she has a class to attend. She bent down, picking her books "Barbie wanna bes." She mumbles. She stands up and walks down, heading for her first class in her new school.

She opens the door and sees a man in a white shirt tucked in a black trouser and black tie. He stared at her through his glasses. Class had started already.

"I'm sorry I'm late." Mica said. She thinks about what had happened earlier on and blames the three blonde girls for this.

"Well I was expecting you to show up really early." The man said. "You must be Mica Lopez right?" He asks

"Yes, I am." Mica said.

The man smiles "We've got a new student, Mica Lopez. So, you all make her feel comfortable, OK." The teacher said to the students who looked at Mica like she was some alien. Well she is anyway– literally.

She looked at the teacher who gestures for her to take a seat. All eyes were on her as she walks to the back of the class. She made sure she made no eye contacts with anyone. Mica felt like it had taken an hour for her to get to her seat.

"So Mica, before you came in, I was giving an introduction on genetics and..." He stops as the door opens and the three blondies came in. "Why are you girls coming in by this time?"

"We're so sorry Mr. Andrew," The blonde girl in the ponytail said "We had to go to the restroom."

This made Mica roll her eyes "Restroom my feet." She mumbles.

"You know you girls deserves detentions?" He flickers his pen at them, a frown on his face.

"Sir, we're so sorry" The girl in the ponytail said making the other two nod their heads, a look of fake guilt on their faces.

"Oh well." Mica mumbles.

"Trisha, Jane and Marie," He calls, looking at the three girls "I won't condole this next time. And you know what that means?" He looked at them not really expecting them to answer, he continues "Detention for all of you. Go to your seats now." He orders.

The girls walks to their seats and didn't bother saying a thank you to Mr. Andrew. He shakes his head at them.

"Annoying wanna be Barbies." Mica mumbles to herself rolling her eyes annoyed at these girls egos, which is actually stupid.


"Look at this." Mica's dad said as he placed the newspaper on the wooden dining table.

Mica looks at her dad then at her mom. Her mother looked at her father confused as she took the newspaper.

"The children of Mr. Edwards murdered." She stops as she looks at her husband then her daughter then "Oh my goodness," She placed her hand on her chest "this is bad."

"Yes it is," he places his hands in the front pocket of his jeans "And the worse thing is that the murderer is at large." He walks to and fro in the room worried.

"The police don't know who he is?" Mica's mother asks him.

"They're still investigating," He sighs deeply "I hope they get a good update about this."

"I hope so too." Mica's mother said getting worried.

"Mom, let me see it." Mica reaches for the newspaper and her mother hands it over. Mica goes through the headlines and sees the one her parents had been talking about, she gasps "Oh my God," She breathes as she looks at her parents then looks back at the newspaper.

She flips the paper till she found the story, she reads it out "The children of Mr. Dave Edward, Dallas Edwards and Mary Edwards were murdered, a gun shot to the back of their heads."

Mica drops the paper on the table and shakes her head in disbelief "Why would a human being do such a thing, I mean, kill his fellow human." It wasn't a question. She couldn't fathom this.

"People can be that bad, Mica," Her mother said, she continues, "Can be so wicked." Her mother sighs deeply, closing her eyes as she imagined how these two were killed, how they were shot.

"I want you two to be careful," Mica's father began, "this killer is yet to be caught and I don't want anything happening to the two of you. You're all I've got now." He looks at the two of them pleadingly.

Mica nods her head "Yes dad."

Mica's mother nods her head too, looking at her husband knowingly.

Mica's father walks up to her, sitting down beside her, he holds her hands "Thank you." He said with a small smile on his face. He turns to look at Mica who was deep in thought about this news, about who the killer could be.



Don't forget to comment, I love feed backs and vote if you liked it.
Zayn's coming in the next update. Sorry for the spoiler :(

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