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Even with the attitude, Nick keeps on pestering Ellin. Nick just wanted to be friends with Ellin but she will always say "no" to it.

"Stop following me!" Ellin warned as she points her finger to Nick who is holding a poster of a steak.

"I wanna go here. They have a discount if you will order four. Aila and Mirai already agreed to come so we our short of one person ." Nick plead and showed his "puppy dog eyes".

"That won't work with me!"

"Please! I promised to do your homework!"

"Excuse me . I'm good with my studies and I  don't need you to do my homework."

"Then , I won't pester you in a week! Promise!"

Ellin was thinking for a second. Since the incident in the playground, Nick had always been pestering her to do things which she doesn't like. Having a one week of silence will be a great help for her who will soon take a college entrance examination.

She faced Nick with a smirk.


Nick face brighten and he jumped out of joy. The last class ended and the four of them went to the steak house. While waiting for their order, Aila whispered to Ellin.

"It's surprising you agreed to come."

"I will be given a week of silence in exchange for this " Ellin proudly replied.

"Wow. So you need to be bribed to come to activities like this. Ellin you're an alien." Aila commented then laughed.

The four of them dig in on the fresh tender beef steaks served. They enjoyed eating and having ice cream for dessert on their way home. Aila and Mirai went home separate while Nick and Ellin walked home together.

"Today was so splendid!" Nick claimed as he pat his stomach.

Ellin was silent through out there way. As soon as they reached the street leading to Ellin's house, she said she will just go and unwine in the playground.

" It's 6:30 and its still bright out there." Ellin said.

"Then I'll come with you. Its dangerous for a girl to stay late outside." Nick protested.

" No, there's no need.I can take care of myself."

"Uh-hah. Nope. I'm the last one who is with you. If something happens to you, I will be in trouble."

Ellin thought for it in a second. He is right after all. She just turned her back and said,

"Your choice."

And started to walk away. Nick went following her until they reached the place. Ellin put her bag in the bench and went to swing. Nick did the same and sit beside Ellin.

" Say, why do you always go here?" Nick asked.

"Nothing" replied Ellin.

She slowly rock her swing back and forth. She used to swing it high but now she can't because she is already too big for it.

"You're actually sad, right?" Nick said as he broke the silence .

"What are you saying?"

"The first time I saw you, you seemed to be normal but when I noticed you that day on the playground, you looked very sad. Even Aila and Mirai can't notice it."

"Are you being trivial now? I'm fine."

" I thought bringing you to the steak house will make you feel better but I guess it didn't work out."

"Hey, I enjoyed eating steak plus I'm totally fine. Can't you see it ?"


Ellin changed her mood upon hearing the word she really hate the most. She looked away from Nick.

"Why do I need to hear that word from you?"

Ellin said in a low voice.

"Because you're pretending to be fine. It's painful too see you that way."

"What's wrong with pretending to be fine? Isn't it great that I won't let other people worry because of me?"

Nick paused for a moment before giving his reply.

" But if it is painful for you to bear then I can lend you my ears. I'll listen to you."

Ellin did not reply , there was already a minute silence. Nick scratched his head and said,

" umm. Well . You might think that I'm kinda confident but you can trust me. I'll hear you out ."

Again no reply came out from Ellin who was still facing away from Nick. He sighed and rock slowly his swing.

"I'm waiting." Ellin replied.

Nick was surprised, he didn't expect Ellin will give him a reply. Ellin continued,

"His name is Jin. He is my best friend. Five years ago he left without a word and everyday, I am waiting for him to come back, but until now he hasn't arrived."

After saying that, Ellin bit her lower lips. She started rocking her swing again. She don't want to hear Nick's reply about what she said. She was surprised when the swing started to rock fast. Before she knew it, Nick was pushing her swing back and forth.

" Then why don't we play while waiting for him?" Nick said while grinning.

Ellin didn't know what to say. She just smiled as she let Nick pushed her swing harder.

Starting that day, Ellin and Nick became close friends but not as close to her and Jin. They now eat lunch together with Aila and Mirai, they go home and stopped by in the playground. For several months, Ellin became happy but somewhere in her heart she still hopes for Jin to come back.

-End of chapter

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