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After winning in arcade booth. Nick went out to grabbed some juice while Ellin stayed on the chairs near a music room. She was looking around while humming a song of 60 seconds when she suddenly caught in the corner of her eye a silhouette of a boy.

She suddenly stood up and shout,


But the boy did not looked back instead he continued walking upstairs. At first Ellin was confused , so she was letting herself stay calm. At a minute, Nick arrived where Ellin is.

"Hey Ellin…"

Before Nick could finished his sentence, Ellin suddenly ran off where the boy's direction was leading.

In her mind, she saw Jin, whether its true or illusion she wants to find out. She kept on running upstairs until she reached the boy who is walking with earphones.


Ellin grabbed the boy's jacket while bowing down to gasp some air. The boy stopped and looked back. Her hand is trembling. She didn't know what to say to him. Soon she heard a voice.


She paused for a while. She knows this voice but it wasn't the boy who is in front of her.

She looked back and saw Nick in the corner of stairs and gasping for air.

"What are you doing?"

Ellin didn't answer , she looked at the boy infront of her. Her eyes widen and she let go of the boy's jacket.

"Yes?!", the boy replied.

Ellin stood back and said,

"I'm sorry, I thought you are someone I know. I'm really sorry."

The boy smiled and left. Nick and Ellin were silent that time.  Suddenly Ellin sat on stairs and put her arms around her legs.

" I'm so stupid. Of course, he's not Jin."

Nick went and sat beside her. He can hear her sobbing. He pat her head and caress it.

"Its OK. You probably miss him."

Ellin looked at the glass window above them and said,

"I said I'm fine but the truth is not! I also thought I can bear with this but it's really painful . It kills me everyday. I feel lonely because I felt that he will not come back anymore . I am angry because he broke his promise and …"

Ellin cried and covered her eyes.

"And I hate it because I still love him."

Nick hug him tightly like a lost child who misses her parents. This is the first time Ellin cried  in front of others. Ellin missed Jin but most of all she want him back to her life.

After minutes, Ellin excused herself to go to the comfort room and fix her ruined image. Nick patiently wait at the lobby. He looked at the ceiling and sighed,

"Now what should I do?"

Nick opened his phone to check the date . His eyes looked sad as he view the gallery of his phone. Soon, Ellin went out and meet him.

"I feel refresh now. Sorry awhile back." Ellin said.

"Nah, its OK . You're cute when you cry." Nick said as he sheepishly laughed.

Ellin blushed and hit Nick.

" Shut up!"

Nick stopped laughing and looked at Ellin with a smile. He stretched out his hand and said,

"Its 6o'clock . They said they will have a firework show later at 6:30. Why don't we watch it?"

Ellin paused for awhile and hold Nick's hand.


The crowd went to the soccer field of the school and waited for the firework show to begin. Soon they started lightning the different fireworks. The sky became a colorful canvass with different colors and effects.

That moment, Ellin temporarily forgot the pain and loneliness she is bearing for five years. She enjoyed the activities throughout the day. She had the chance to visit Jin's school and watched the fireworks with Nick.

Nick secretly peeked at Ellin's face who is gazing up in the sky. He smiled and looked up the sky.

"I wish Jin was here to see this." Ellin commented.

" Don't worry, he's here." Nick whispered.

Unconciously,  Nick reached out Ellin's hand. Ellin was surprised but she didn't mind at all. They both enjoyed watching the sky light up.

-End of chapter

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