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The show lasted for 10 minutes. Ellin and Nick are on their way home when Nick asked Ellin if she wants to go to the playground. Ellin loved it so they went on to her favorite place.

They both sat on the bench below the nut tree. Nick handed a can of juice to Ellin. Ellin smiled because it is an orange flavor. Nick opened his and took a sip.

"Actually I have to tell you something." Nick said.

Ellin looked at him with a confusion, Nick turned and looked at her with a smile.

"Two days from now,my family will moved to the country side. My dad bought a land and he wants to stay there. That's why I want to have memories before I leave."

He scratched his head and looked away .

Ellin became sad upon hearing it. She thought that he can graduate with them in the same school. She looked down and said,

"Is that so, that's quite sad. There will be no noisy Nick around next week then." And she laughed.

"Don't worry I will send you messages everyday so your phone won't stop buzzing even during class time." Nick said as he laugh with her.

"You're so mean."

"Yep. That's who I am."

Ellin looked at Nick with a big smile on her lips and said,

"Well then, thank you for the day. I really enjoyed it.I didn't imagine that you went yo the former school with Jin.It's really amazing "

Nick looked at her with a slight smile.

"I went there six years ago so I know about the event and…"

Nick looked down and his face became serious,

"A friend of mine asked me to bring you there"

Ellin's eyes widen, she was confuse in that moment. Nick noticed it and opened his bag pack. He brought out a mint green notebook and gave to Ellin.Out of confusion, she took it and opened the cover.

She was even more surprised to find out that it was Jin's notebook. Ellin looked at Nick with teary eyes and asked him about this.

Nick sighed and told her something,

"I met Jin five years ago. He was indeed my schoolmate but I didn't got the chance to know him since he is from the different class and I often skip the school. He was quite popular because of his bright personality that's why I was shocked when I saw him in the hospital."

Nick looked at the swing in front of them and continued,

"I have problem with my heart since I was born so I stayed most of my years in the hospital. I met Jin there, he was still bright as he is. We became friends since we both came from the same school. In there I found out that he has brain tumor and its getting worse in his stage."

Ellin suddenly remembered how Jin usually gets head aches and forgot important things he needs to do. That time, she wasn't aware about the health of her best friend. Suddenly she felt a stingy feeling in her heart as she continued listening to Nick.

" He always tell me stories about you,Ellin. He said you probably miss him and mad because he didn't said anything about leaving. The hospital doesn't allow children with serious cases go out so he can't even visit you during holidays."

Nick leaned back to the bench,

"I told him to tell you where he is so you can visit him but he refused. He said your dad was working there as a physician and he can't let you remember the pain you felt when your dad left you . Another reason is that he can't let you find out his condition. He said he wants you to see him as a healthy boy playing with you in your palace just like the old days. "

Ellin smiled and said,

"That weirdo, he doesn't need to hide anything from me. I can understand him anyway. If only he told me about it, I would probably bring the palace to him."

Ellin hugged the notebook and closed her eyes. Nick continued,

"He was so bright and cheerful until this date. He suddenly collapsed at the garden."

Ellin suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Nick.

" This..day ?

"This date was the same date where Jin said he would finally go on a palace. He looked happy that I thought he was joking around. We were at the ICU, that time then he gave me that notebook. He said its really important so I should hide it. I didn't imagine that it will be the last time I will talk to him."

Nick stopped at the moment and stood up, he sat down at the sand box in front of the bench.

"After three days, I got a noticed that I have a heart donor. Back at the surgery, I thought I saw Jin in the corner of the room smiling. It gave me the courage to fight for my life and the operation was successful. I was unconscious for three days, by the time I got up the doctor said that I need to rest for  year before I go back to my normal life. I was happy until then, I went to Jin's room but he wasn't there. His mom hug me tight when I saw her in the lobby. I was so stupid not to notice it, I was just surprised to find out that it was Jin who gave me this heart."

Nick clenched his fist and closed his eyes. That moment he heard someone sobbing. He looked at Ellin who was sorrowful while hugging the notebook.

"So he will not come back anymore?"

Nick stood up and went closer to her, he stretched his sweater's sleeves and use them to wipe Ellin's tears. After that, he gently pat her head and hug her.

Ellin hug him back tightly and cried on his shoulder. Nick whispered to her,

" I'm sorry for lying."

After hearing it, Ellin gently push him away. She got up and took her bag.

"I'm sorry" she said as she walk away.

Nick stayed there and sat at the bench. He watched Ellin walk and disappeared. He was not sure if he did the right thing, he gazed up in the sky and close his eyes.

-End of chapter

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