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One day, Nick was late in the first class so Aila asked him the reason during lunch time. Nick just smiled and took out a couple of tickets,

" Well my former classmate from this school asked me out to attend their open house. He gave me four tickets."

Mirai pulled out one ticket and looked at it, " When is it ?"

"This Saturday, I hope you can come." Nick replied.

"Ahh snap! I have to stay home that day. My mom and dad will be out and I need to wait for our package." Mirai protested.

" Saturday? I'm afraid I can't come too. I have a club meeting for the upcoming school festival. Why don't you invite Ellin instead. I bet she doesn't have prior appointment that day." Aila said.

Nick turned to Ellin who is busy reading a book. She looked at Nick who is smiling.

Finally she got the signal and said,

"Fine fine. I'll come."

Nick jumped out and gave her one ticket. She took and looked at the tiny letterings on it. She was surprised to find out that the open house where they will attend was Jin's former school. She wants to back out but she can't say it to Nick after all she already agreed to come and she has no possible excuses.

Her thoughts returned from five years ago when she we originally planned to visit the school with her best friend. Her train of thoughts was broken when Nick pat her shoulder.

" Ellin , 8:00 then at the playground."

Ellin just gave a nod as her response. She wants to go but the lingering feelings from the past came haunting her.

That day, she just wore her best casual clothes and came on time. She doesn't want her hopes up because she's afraid to repeat the same situation.

Ten minutes passed but Nick didn't arrive yet. Ellin clenched her fist and close her eyes.

"I knew it. This will happen again."

She opened her eyes and started walking away but a voice came running calling her name. She looked back and saw Nick towards her way.

" Ellin!"

He reached Ellin's spot with a tired looking face. As soon as he caught up his breath. He faced Ellin with a sad face.

"Why are you leaving?"

"It's because I thought you ditched me. You are 10 minutes late, you know that!"

"Haha. I'm sorry, I have to prepare things."

"Prepare?! You're the one who told me to meet up at 8, right?" Ellin protested.

Nick just laughed and took out his handkerchief. Ellin noticed that he has backpack with him. Before she could ask what's in it , Nick gave her a lollipop.

"Here, my peace offering. I am really sorry for being late. Let's go now, I think we can still catch up with the bus." And he started to walk towards the bus stop.

Ellin opened the lollipop and looked at Nick. She is mad about his tardiness but she still followed him. Throughout the traveling  to that school, Nick keeps on blabbering funny stories, Ellin was listening but she can't hide her nervousness. She felt she can't breath but at the same time she is happy.

Finally, that promise that was broken was redeemed. Though she was a little bit sad because she was not with Jin but it doesn't matter to her that much because she can see a glimpse of Jin's school memories.

They arrived in school just in time for the welcome remarks of the principal. There are a lot of people gathered in front the stage. Some were students from different schools, parents and relatives, and some foreign tourists.

Ellin have no doubt about the number of visitors because the school is famous locally and international. Every time the school held open school events, they made sure that every stalls, presentations and food are perfect.

Ellin was really amazed. She never imagined how big and beautiful the school is. She looked around, she wished she wore better clothes. Back from the past, she remembered how she prepared herself to go to the open school with Jin. She was even early that time but things didn't go well. She suddenly felt gloomy but her lonely thoughts vanished when Nick grabbed her hand.

"Ellin, there are a lot of people today, so let's hold hands. OK ?"

Ellin blushed and protested, "What? I'm not kid anymore. I will not get lost with this crowd And beside if we avoid places which are crowded then we won't get separated."

Nick smiled and said, "But there are a lot of boys staring at you."

Ellin frowned and said, "So what?!"

Nick just smiled and pulled her towards the food stalls.

"It will be troublesome for me."

Ellin didn't react after hearing those words. She suddenly felt special, she looked at Nick's hand that was holding her palm tightly. She didn't mind at all. This hand who is holding her might not be Jin's but she felt safe and warm.

They arrived at stalls and there were a lot of local and foreign dishes. She wants to try all of it but she doesn't have the discount ticket. If only she can use the one Jin gave, she might enjoy the food in every stall. Nick noticed it and brought out a card.

"Hey Ellin, look I have a V.I.P. card. I am allowed to use it to avail discount."

Ellin looked at him with a muffin inside her mouth. She munched and swallowed it quickly.

"Why do you have it ?"

"Well, I asked my friend about it. With this card, we have the power to conquer all the stalls here!", Nick said with an evil laugh.

"Weirdo" , Ellin commented as she grabbed another bite of muffin.

From time to time, Ellin and Nick visited the all the stalls. From food stalls they went inside the school building to check out the school museum, theater and different booths in different classrooms. They even had a picture from photo booth and joined variety of games. Ellin was very happy, she thought that maybe if Jin and her went to the open school that day, she will have a pledge to visit the school every year.

-End of chapter

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