Creation of Me (Chapter 1)

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I guess they changed somethings in the Character Creation Room. I wonder if Valentine is still the AI. 

"Azusa Kategara, character creation START!"

Welcome back Blood Prince.

Please select your faction. You may choose the,

Elf Faction

Angel Faction 

Demon Faction

Vetalania Blue Faction

Vetalania Black Faction

Beast Faction

Human Faction

Voperian Faction

Fairy Faction

Please wait a moment... You may also choose the Prince Faction, you get 1 free mount. 

"In the beta I was in the Prince Faction, it was useless. What shall I be?"

Master Azusa, KMT would like to speak to you; should I link them in?

"Yes, what would you like KMT?"

"Hello Mr. Kategara, since you were the top beta player we would like to grant you 3 wishes and give you 200 ED credits. Also you can't wish for more wishes."

"3 wishes, OK then. I want to make my own faction that only I can be in. My second wish I want to be able to make my own skills, and my third wish is to be able to choose some of  the things other factions are able to do."

"You are so demanding, but as you wish."

Linking them out now... successfully linked out. 

What would you like your faction to be named?

"Solar Eclipse."

Faction name, Solar Eclipse; first wish used. Please create your character fully.

Character Description Card-

Name- Archangel

Faction- Solar Eclipse

Gender- Male

Hair- Black shimmer

Eyes- Right red, Left demon 

Complexion- Shimmery pale and beautiful

Height- 5ft and 9in

Weight- 120lbs

Wings- Black Demon Flame Wings

Ear Point- Yes

Teeth sharp, between, or human- Sharp

Scars- NA

Your character can not change once it is created, is this correct.


Please choose 3 skills and create 5 more skills. (Original number of skills you can get, 10)






Sing, please only use this if you can't sing



and more.

"Agility, language, and instruments."

Now create 5 skills, second wish used. 

"Dual sword, sword creator, animal handle, I would like to trade the last 2 skill creations for cook and brains."

Is this correct?


Please choose 4 powers from different factions and create 5 powers. More powers will come as you level up, KMT will create more powers for your faction as you level. (Original number of powers you can get, 10)

"From the Angel Faction I would like... Ultimate Heal. From the Demon Faction I would like, Demons Black Sorcery; from the Voperian Faction, Tame boss; the last one from the Fairy Faction, Scouter Quick Switch Disarm Special."

Please create 5 powers now. 

"Sword Switch Fast, Magic Ground, Element Control, Hologram, Magic Inventory."

Are these powers correct?

"Yes, they are correct."

Please wait as I send the information to KMT. 

Loading .~.~. Loading.~.~. Loading .~.~. Loading successful, you may continue. Character Creation Complete. KMT has given you Death's Sword as a gift.

Would you like to play now? 


Game Start, Eclipsed Death!

Loading .~.~. Loading .~.~. Now entering, you will start in the Eklosangria Northern woods. 

BOOM, snap, snap.

"Aah, ouch, stupid tree. Can't get used to NGS pain level ever!" 

"I'm finally back," I shouted while rubbing my butt. 

"I should check my inventory for what items I got."

Now opening inventory, 1 item in weapons pouch, 6 items in armors pouch ,5 items in potions pouch, you have 200 ED Credits and 2,000 Linakah(the currency).

"Equip Death's Sword, Black Shadow cloak, Black Mystery Boots, Black Gloves, Black Moon Cloth Breastplate, Black leather Pants."

Equipped, now closing the inventory.  

"The nearest town is Eklosangria's capitol Eklo. I can probably make it by flying, but demons are there, they might not like me since i'm a new faction... Oh well, I wasn't called the Blood Prince for no reason!"

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