Eklo The First Place (Chapter 2)

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Well, lets get flying. 

"Lets break in my new wings. I can fly for half an hour and it might take 30 minutes to get there."

It took me less then 30 minutes to get to Eklo. While flying I leveled 10 times(You level when you fight monsters, the lower your level is and the higher the spawn's level the more XP you get. For the bosses you will get double the XP and one legendary item), I fought high leveled monsters in the woods. I finally made it to Eklo and without getting noticed, but I better hide my level. 

I put on my hood and walked over to the more populated area. I looked at the food market and the weapons merchants. 

"Hey blacksmith, do you mind looking at this sword?"

" No problem, this sword is Death's Sword. It levels with the player and it changes forms. You can merge more than 1 sword with this one. That's all I know, how did you get your hands on it?"

"It was a gift from my friend," I said as I walked away.

"Well be careful, don't let anyone get their hands on it and stuff; it is a rare and dangerous weapon."

KMT gave me a nice sword. This will be fun, what level is it right now though? It is level 11, one level above mine. I better start leveling again, soon.

I bought many different food types and many potions from the market. No one noticed me, nor did anyone approach me and ask about my wings. It was getting close to midnight in the game, so I decided to go rent out a place. 

I don't need new armor yet and I won't need another weapon. I should log out and actually sleep, I have school tomorrow.


Beep, beep, beep. 

I will play again later today, just you wait. Stupid school has to ruin everything.

I ran out the house and headed towards my school. 

"Hey Azusa, did you buy Eclipsed Death?"

"Yea, why?"

"Well, KMT announced the creation of a new Faction called Solar Eclipse and only one person is in it. I was wondering if you saw a person who was different then all the other races!"

"No, I didn't and when did they announce that?"

"Right this morning around 4:00am."

"You were playing that long, don't kill yourself."

"I only played for 4 hours straight, I am a level 10 Shadow Angel, cool right? So, what are you?"

"Oh I am a level 10 Death's Angel. I decided not to be a Prince this time, since I was a Prince in the beta."

"Oh cool, we should meet up."

"Um, yea. You know i'm a soloist right?"

"Oh OK then. Well, see ya later."

Stupid KMT and their announcements, it's like putting a bounty on my head when you announce a new Faction. Now I can't even hide or run, people are going to start checking everything. KMT did this on purpose. 

"Class is starting, everyone please have a seat," shouted the teacher.

Class felt like forever, for most of it I just day dreamed about Eclipsed Death. 

"Oh so even the smartest guy has to take a break."

"Huh, who are you?"

"I am the teacher of the classroom you are sleeping in, Mr. Azusa. The class ended a half hour ago, you should be going home."

"WHAT NO ONE WOKE ME UP, I gotta go. BYE!"

I ran out of the school and ran all the way home. Trying not to trip on random rocks on the side walk.


Welcome back Master Azusa. Your last save was in the town Eklo, please be careful. KMT has announced the creation of your new Faction.

Loading .~.~.~.~. Loading .~.~.~.~. Now entering last save point. 

" Hey has anyone found a person that doesn't match any of the older factions?"

"Hey stop right there, let me see your face. Nope not yet!"

Aah, everyone in town in searching for me and knowing Demons and some of the Angels they'll probably will rip my spine out. I still have to leave here and level, so note to self fly or take the dark routes. 


I walked swiftly towards the town exit. People were getting pulled aside to be checked, no one noticed me yet.

"Hey you, stop right there. Take your hood off!"

Dang it, I was so close to the exit. KMT are you watching? 


"I don't want to though."

"Well, you don't have a choice. We need to know what you are."

"OK then ready, 1, 2..."

"Just take your hood off, please."

"Well since you said please, I guess I could take it off."

Vosh, I pulled my hood off. Everyone was staring, their jaws were dropped and their eyes looked so shiny.

"Y-y-you, you're the new Faction Solar Eclipses's only member. You're so beautiful and you're glowing!"

"I am glowing? Yes I am Solar Eclipses only member, I created it. You all shall know my name, I am Archangel The Blood Prince," I screamed trying to make it dramatic "Spread the news if you want, I will not stop you, but spare me and you will not regret it."

"We will spare you, but will will spread about your beauty."

"Very well, I am off," I showed my wings and flew away towards the forest...

The next few days the news about Archangel spread like wild fire. There were screan shots of him online and in the town hall of each town. It was turning into a craze, the most beautiful person playing Eclipsed Death, everyone said that.

They want to meet me and marry me, what the fuck. Most of these people are dudes, only about 40% are actual girls the other 60% are guys and guys playing as girls...

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