Another Offer

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You have scored second out of all the Year 3s in Rakuzan high once again. And, for the 8th time, recieved another offer to take up a scholarship at Funan College. You take a glance at the letter your homeroom teacher passed to you and then just chucked it in your bag. You have revieved many scholarship offers from many Colleges, even the top College in all of Japan, but you did the same thing to every letter. A glance, and a chuck.

In your 3 years being in Rakuzan, you were offered many things, which you always reject. You were offered a part of the School Counsil, and even an good opportunity to become Vice-president, but you declined the offer. In your club, the Concert Band, you were offered the role to become the student conductor, a role given to the best player in the band, but you said no and stayed as a outstanding normal musician of the band.

The reason why you never did take up those offers were because of your family. Your family was a happy family. You had your Mum, your Dad and yourself. When you turned 2, you got a younger sister, and when you turned 3, you got a younger brother. It was great, the 5 of you guys going out and playing whenever you had the chance. However, happy times soon left as when you turned 6, your Dad left your Mum and the 3 of you. He left you guys for a waitress at a cafe near his workplace. He even packed up and moved to another part of Japan.

Your Mum started getting depressed and did crazy things. The neighbours saw what your Mum was doing and how she was treating you and your siblings and called child protection services. There was a year where you stayed at the Child Protection Services home, until your Mum was deemed by the court fit to be your Mum again.

Your Mum now gets sick often and it is often to you to take care of the family being the oldest. You had to grow up fast, so your Mum could take it easy and so that your young Siblings could enjoy their childhood.

Right after school, you would always rush home to take care of the family. You decided to not join the counsil or become the student conductor as it would mean that you have to stay in school longer for meetings and what not. You also decided to not go University as you rather spend the time at home taking care of your family.

However, you are no oridinary student. You are a prodigy. You are brillant in both studies and music. In all your time Rakuzan, you were always placed Second of your year and previosly in Junior High and Elementary school, you were the first. In Band, you were given many Solos and a couple of times,the soloist in concertos (A/N: One musician plays the important parts and the rest of the band is his/her back up). You have caught the attention of many National bands, but of course, rejected their offer to join their band.

Because of your choices of rejecting so many amazing chances given to you, you have caught the attention of others, especially the attention of Akashi Seijuro, the Number 1 student in school. He is the opposite of you. He takes every opportunity given to him.

He is really curious about why you made those choices of rejection as he sees opportunity as a way of surrending. If people offeres him something, to him, it is because the person feel like he is good or better then the person. To Akashi, the person is offering his role to him so that Akashi can make everything better. And, Akashi knows he can make everything perfect and will do anything to make everything perfect.

(A/N: This is the end of Chapter 1! I'm sorry that I did not include a lot of Akashi goodness into this chapter as I wanted to write about your backstory, which will explain why you will act in a certain way later on in the story. I promise Akashi will appear first thing in the next chapter! Thanks for reading 'You will be safe with me' chaptet 1 and do leave some feedback on how I can improve my writing and how the story can continue!)

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