Come with me

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*Third POV*
After school, you took all your stuff and walked towards the school gate. You passed the score to your band's student conductor and told her that you did not want to play anymore. You wanted to go home, take care of your family. They need you more than the band. As you were walking, suddenly, someone grabbed hold of your wrist.
'Where do you think you are going (F/n)?'
That voice was really familar, you turned behind and saw the devil, who is Akashi Seijuro. You told him you were going home and he growled at you. You then pulled your hand away and said loudy that you are going back home.
'What about the concerto?' He growled back.
You told him that you gave the score to the student conductor and told her to play it. Akashi than took out a few pieces of paper from his bag and gave them to you. It was the score.
'I took it from the Student Conductor. She also wants you to play it (F/n).'
You retorted that you needed to take care of the family. Akashi then took out his phone and called someone. After hanging up, he said he have maids and butlers going to your house as he speaks to take care of her family. You said there was no need, but Akashi then said they can give better care to them than anyone in the world. They are trained to serve.
You gave up. Everything you say, Akashi has something to counter back. He was right, those maids and butlers could take care of the family better than you. You took the scores and walked back into school in the direction of the Band room.
'Where do you think you are going?' Akashi asked.
You replies you were going to the Band Room. Akashi then smirked and took your hand.
'You are not going to the band room, you are coming home with me.'
Your eyes widened in shocked as Akashi dragged you to his limo. You stuttered out a 'Why?' and he said with his help, you could master this score faster. You tried to shake off his grip on you but to no avail. He wanted you to go to his house. It felt like Deja Vu.
The ride in his limo was painful. It brought back so many painfull memories of Yamada. You sat in the limo trembling, scared about what will happen.
When you reached his mansion, you refused to get out of his care and Akashu had to drag you out. He dragged you to the door. He felt you trembling. When the doors opened, you refused to move and you used all your strength to stay at the spot right outside the house. Akashi let out a sigh, passed his things to one of his butlers and carried you bridal style. He carried you into the house and you did not know what to do. You knew you had to escape,but trashing about would just make his grab onto you tighter. He carried you all the way to his room and placed you on his bed. You quickly sat up and cowered. You watched his take out his school blazer and unbutton his shirt a little. He noticed you were lookinh and smirked. He walked towards you and pins you to the bed.
'Why are you scared (F/n)?' Akashi asked
'Don't rape me...'You whimpered
Akashi stood up and chuckled.
'Rape? Why would I do that?'
You were so scared that you were not able to answer him. He then eventually understood what might have happned and he sat down beside you.
'Who raped you?' Akashi asked sternly.
Yamada was a friend of yours in Junior high. He was your bestest friend and said that he will always be here for you. You trusted him a lot. You loved him a lot, as a friend. You spent a lot of time with him and he promised you that he will take care of you and your family forever. One day, Yamada confessed to you, but you rejected his offer. You told him you only saw him as a close friend, not a lover. Yamada was mad. He tried so hard to be close to you and you did become really close to him, but he got friendzoned. He thought if he could have you, he would have to take you by force. He kidnapped you to his place and wanted to rape you. Your screams were so loud, it caught the attention of the neighbours and they called the police. They arrived just on time before Yamada could do anything to you.
After hearing your story, Akashi pulled your head onto his shoulder and lightly tapped it. He comforted you and told you that he would never do anything like that to you. He would protect you. You nodded and said Okay.
He let out a sigh and then said enthusiastically,
'Now, let's start violin practise shall we?'

A/n: I hope it is not too weird for the sudden introduction of Yamada and if Akashi was too OOC. I like to think that Akashi has this really soft side and in this story, I am writing Akashi as this sweetie.
I do hope you like the story and see you in the next chapter!

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