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Yay crack pairings!!!

You passed the hat to Germany. He reached in and felt around. He felt a pice of cloth that felt like a flag. "Please don't be Prussia." Germany thought to himself. He pulled it out. It had thick red, white and blue stripes. "France? It's jour turn." Germany called. "Ohonhonhon~" France appeared behind Germany, startling him. "Verdammit France. Can jou not do zhat?" Germany asked, already exasperated. They went to the closet. "Seven minutes" You said, closing the door. Germany sat in total silence. "Allemagne~" (1)France said, going behind Germany and sliding his arms around Germany's shoulders. Germany stiffened. "F-France?" He asked, confused. "What is it, Allemagne~?" France cooed, running his hands up and down Germany's toaned chest. "Was machen Sie?" (2) Germany asked, flustered. "I like you, Germany~" France said seductively. Germany blushed red. "Allemagne~ you blush could put a rose to shame, oui?" France whispered before kissing down Germany's neck. Germany's eyes widened. France pulled away as the door opened.
Hope you enjoyed!!
Translations: (1): Allemagne (Germany in French)
(2): Was machen Sie? (What are you doing?) Remember, W's are pronounced as V's in German.
Hasta la pasta~!
~Cali Skye

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