Chapter 1 ~Way Back When~

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"U-uh.." Aphmau stammered. This was bad. Really bad. What if she screwed up? What if she broke a twig and that changed the world into a big black rock with no life whatsoever?! 

"Lord Aphmau...?" Dante asked her, still standing in her room. He shifted his weight to one leg, nervously. 

"Yeah, yeah," she responded, moving her eyes to the ground, "Um, yeah ok let's- let's go," she managed to say. Dante then ran out of the room toward the gates. "Yeah..." Aphmau said before running after him. Oh god, what was she supposed to say? She wasn't ready for a war!

Dante was still much faster than she was, and was about 50 feet ahead. Suddenly, Aphmau felt kinda, woozy. She slowed her pace, putting a hand on her forehead. Oh right... I forgot I was really sleep deprived during the war, she thought to herself, I could live with it then, because I got used to it, but now...  Ugh, guess I can add this to my 100 page list of problems... Dante was now much farther ahead of her, and as he swung his head behind him, noticing her, he stopped.

"Aphmau! Come on! We need to hurry!" He yelled back at her.

"Mmm Hmm!" She finally responded after snapping back into reality, and sped up to catch up to her guard. Her eyes rested upon the gates. So many guards, so many people, all risking their lives for a war that was the product of greed. She then looked through the gate, hundreds, upon thousands of more guards, all standing in perfect lines, ready to attack. Then at the back stood the Lord of Scaleswind and-

Oh right.


After all this time Aphmau had kinda forgotten about Zane. I mean yes, she was constantly worrying about-

Uh oh....

She had also forgotten about- that- no.... 


She looked up at her guard, her friend. Only to see him staring straight ahead. Tears began to form in her eyes. Things began to slow. She saw him, and knew it was Garroth, but he wasn't all there. It was like he was just an empty shell of someone she used to know. Aphmau wanted so badly to just run up onto the gates and hug him, remind him that she was his friend, and she would always be his friend. 

But he wasn't. Not right now. He wasn't on her side in this war, even though he was on her gate. He was in Zane's side. Because she wasn't able to realize what was going on with her guard. 

Her heart leaped into her throat. Reliving all of this was becoming too much for her. Dante was already halfway onto the gates when she came to this realization. But she couldn't stop, she had to keep going.

For her people.

For the one's she loved.

To save her village, she had to keep going.

Upon getting to the top of the gate, she could see everything and everyone much more clearly. She got the same feeling as she did the first time, but this round it was much more- well- it was hard to explain. But if she played her cards right, she knew they could all reach peace again.

Almost all of them...

She looked all around her, guards from all close villages stood upon the wall. And then there were her guards- Garroth, Laurance, Dante... She couldn't mess things up again, she just couldn't.

"The day has come," announced the Lord of Scaleswind, "Give me back my daughter now, or I'll come in and find her myself." Aphmau stayed silent, forgetting her surroundings.

Wait, I know where Nicole is! She's- uh oh. She's uh... She's... Aphmau realized that, with all the excitement and worry, she had forgotten where Nicole had been hidden. Her mind went blank. 

The Lord of Scaleswind stared up at Aphmau with angry eyes, "Last. Chance. If you don't hand her over now, this. Means. War...!"

Again, Aphmau had no idea what to say. Her eyes darted around the huge amount of people. This whole thing was just so surreal. But one thing she knew was that there was no way in hell she was going to promise her hand to Zane again, because she remembered that he still wouldn't stop this war, which only made her hate for him grow stronger.

"U-uh," she stuttered, and after a few moments, she just sighed, "I'll tell you this one more time.... I don't know where she is, I'm so sorry..." Everything was silent for a moment, then a yell erupted from the Lord of Scaleswind once more.

"CHAAAAARGE!" And with that, guards came marching forward, as Aphmau slid down the ladder, her old sword in hand, ready for battle- kinda. Her eyes soon rested on one of her old guards, but this one was more like an ex-guard. 

He looked right at her, and before he could make a move, Aphmau yelled, at the top of her lungs, and pointed at Brian, "Somebody grab him!" He tried to grab the gates lever but was too late. A Meteli guard and Dante grabbed him. His looked went from surprised to angry. "H-he's the spy," Aphmau finally revealed. The Meteli guard quickly ran with him towards a tree and tied him up. Unfortunately, while she was trying to deal with Brain, one of the cloaked figures that was standing by Zane threw something that made a gaping hole in the gates. 

Guards from both Scaleswind and O'khasis poured in from the other side. She ran towards them, swinging her sword every which way. She almost became desensitized to everything. It just became a bloody battle entirely, nothing more, nothing less... There was just so much blood...

Aphmau took a deep breath and ran the opposite direction, finding herself on the sidelines near the gates. Running along the side she could feel her heart beating very quickly. Her hair was everywhere, and she was starting to get tired, but she kept going. Then suddenly, everything stopped. She got a strange feeling. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either. 

She swung herself around and her eyes laid upon someone right behind her. A man with sandy blonde hair and bright blue eyes stared right back at her. It was her knight in shining armor...



Couldn't resist posting the first chapter >.>

But I hope you enjoyed :D

Aphmau finally sees Garroth face to face


Eventually I'll get into a schedule but for now it's going to be kinda random.

Have a nice day!

Luv,    ~.>Char<.~

(Update- 6/12/16- I decided to cut out the part where Laurance remembers everything along with Aphmau, it just didn't fit with where the story is going to go, so he DOES NOT remember the future- If that makes sense)

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