Dinah & Austin

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Dinah: feel the bern

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Dinah: feel the bern

Austin: This is why I like Hillary

Austin: Trump's the best tho

Dinah: you're only saying that cuz he's your grandpa

Austin: I'm not related to him, why does everyone think I am?!

Dinah: cuz you're both orange and crusty

Austin: I am not orange! Nor am I crusty!

Dinah: yes u r

Dinah: ur a nacho cheese dorito

Dinah: that's why Mila left you

Austin: actually she told me she liked doritos! Especially the nacho cheese ones!

Dinah: well her "taste buds" were messed up then, she doesn't like the nacho cheese anymore, she likes the cool ranch ones. She's really enjoying this one cool ranch dorito called Lauren

Dinah: 😏

Austin: Camilla named a dorito, Lauren?

Dinah: *facepalms*

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