Mian - The Winner?

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-Mitch's POV-
I walked into the Nexus lobby. A swarm of people crowded me, screaming and screeching 'BAJAN CANADIAN!' and taking screenshots.
I ignored the shouts, grabbed my diamond sword from the ender chest I had and flew into the sky. The crowd couldn't follow me; none of them were ranked 'YouTuber' or 'Owner'.
I flew into the secret base of the Nexus. I had received a message to come to the base straight away, as the message said I was going to meet the four best Hunger Gamers and we would all battle to the death to see who was the best.
My heart was thumping. Ooh... I'm so nervous... That means I'm in the top five best Hunger Gamers in the WORLD. Oh dear Lord...
I flew into the base, disabled flight, and sat down on the sofa in front of me. There were cakes and food in which I greedily ate in pleasure, until the other surprise people arrived.
Everyone would have been told it was a surprise, they couldn't have left me out...
The first thing that entered was no surprise to me. He swung his axe at the door and it smashed.
Yep. Jerome.
"Mitch!" Jerome smiled, sitting next to me. We hi-fived and he laughed shakily. "I'm scared... you, three doods and I? Oh ma gawd..."
I nodded, I was also slightly afraid.
I heard a bouncy laugh and a huge explosion of TNT that knocked the door and half the walls off. It would respawn, but I guess the person was entering with a bang. He wore a striped tie and thick shaders, and a suit.
"BODIL?!" Jerome and I gasped in shock. Bodil was in the top 5 best Hunger Gamers?!
"Yup! The Bulgarian is in da house!" he chuckled, and sat on the other sofa. Jerome moved to sit next to him.
"Did you know we were going be here Martin?" Jerome asked. So his real name is Martin? Sweet!
"Yep. I watched your Hunger Games and you've won a lot. But I've won everyone. Except one." he blushed.
"Know who else is coming?" I asked curiously. Bodil shook his head.
We sat around eating and chatting, when I felt the air get warmer and a huge butter ingot crash into the wall. Silently, his black gloves holding onto the wall, in swung a man, with brown hair and shaders too. His gold and purple amulet swung around, and he landed on his two feet.
"Hey guys!"
The bacca, the Bulgarian and I dropped our jaws.
"SKY??!! HOW?!" we screamed in shock.
"Bodil?! Jerome?! How are you guys here?!" Sky screamed back, laughing. I chuckled.
"We've won nearly all of ours." Jerome smiled. Bodil nodded.
"I lost one. And you Adam?" Bodil rubbed his chin.
"I've won all of mine, if I can recall... yep." Sky muttered. "Expect I may have last about 3... But that's barely anything. And I also beat Ant Venom in a one v one!"
I nodded. I had some good competition. But I'd kill them all, I know I can.
"So Sky, do you know who the last person is?" I asked, still curious. He shook his head.
"I only guessed you." he sat on the chair, and Jerome went to sit on his lap.
The door opened. So this person was like me, a nice entrance. They stepped forwards and said:
"Hey doo-"
His speaking stopped as our eyes met. I bit my lip, and he smiled in an awkward way.
"H-hi Mitch..."
He blushed, and I felt a weird feeling inside. Did I really have to kill... The one I loved most...?
Ian sat next of me and sighed.
"I guess... It's time to kill eachother... right...?" he sighed. I nodded, resting my head on his shoulder and curling up next to him. He hugged me.
"I'm sorry, but it's so I can win." he whispered. I shook my head and laughed a little. Ian win? I was better than him... Or was I...?
"So Ian how many games have you won?" Bodil asked as Ian closed the chat being spammed to him.
"Tell me your lots first. We are the best five in the world I guess..."
"All of them but one." Bodil started off.
"More than half, but not all." Jerome added.
"All of them but three." Sky smiled.
"More than Jerome and these guys ever had..." I whispered to my fiance and smiled. I wanted to show off to him, make him feel proud. He kissed my cheeks and laughed.
"You've lost some though, right Honey?" he asked in a sweet way.
"Oh you two are so sweet." Sky smiled.
"Thanks... Hehe..." I giggled. "Anyways... a few, yeah, but I usually win."
Ian stood up and moved to the middle of the room and stood on the table.
"I've won all of my games, noobs." he laughed.
All of our eyes grew wide. I could tell some of us were jealous and couldn't believe him so they all took the mickey of him. Except me.
"He's joking." Sky hissed.
"Yeah... I don't believe you..."
Ian gulped.
"It's gulped... I-I can prove it..." he looked close to tears. I jumped up and hugged him. He sniffed.
"Then do so."
Ian opened up the TV. It said the stats, listed as wins, loses, and games played.
I read the list.
"ASFJerome, BajanCanadian, Bodil40, SkythekidRS, SSundee. SSundee has 14 wins, 0 loses and 14 games played." I announced.
Ian smiled. Proved.
"You only played 14 though!" Sky sighed. "Sorry Ian... I'm just jealous..."
"It's not my fault I'm better than you at things... I'm the best at survivals and Hunger Games and Battle Domes!" he teared up, gently shoved me off him careful not to hurt me, and ran outside.
"Ian no!" I gasped in shock, and sprinted out after him.
I found him sat on the huge statue of me crying. I ran over and took him in my arms, who whimpered and shuffled closer. I was aware that people down below were calling us 'cute together' and 'meant to be' but I didn't care.
"They don't mean it baby..." I also knew here people would be screaming 'Mitch called Ian baby!' and that crap... "They're just jealous..."
He nodded.
"Do you believe me Mitchy...?" he whispered, his voice raspy with tears. I nodded.
"More than I believe myself sometime..." I smiled. He gently kissed me, but I blushed and pushed away.
"The fans want it Mitch... Just one kiss for the fans.." he whispered. I had to except... Oh how I loved the feel of his lips, soft and warm...
Our lips connected, and so did our fingers and tongues. He slipped his fingers away and up the back of my head, to hold my face against his.
"Nice kissing guys."
I jumped, and we pulled away as we spotted the other three behind us. Bodil typed in chat 'Mitch and Ian just had a snog up here guys you missed it :D:D:D'.
I folded my arms.
"Bodil..." I sighed.
A huge sign flashed up, that read '5 MINUTE TILL THE TOP FIVE HUNGER GAMERS BATTLE IT OUT!'. I bit my lip.
"I love you Ian... Just remember it..."
I was aware that about 2 million people were watching but we didn't care much.
"I love you too Mitch..."
We jumped into the crowd, holding hands. There were whistles, and the crowd made a path for us as Ian took me to our secret hideout. We'd made it on the Nexus, even Jerome didn't know where it was.
We entered, and we cuddled on the bed, kissing and that until the battle started. Oh how I didn't want to kill Ian, but...
The five of us were teleported to the huge arena, all in glass cages around the spawn. Jerome was across from me, Bodil to my left, Sky to my right, both slightly far away, and Ian right next to me. I looked at him, and I shouted: "No fighting till death match!"
The others nodded, and the cages went down and we all ran to spawn. I opened my chests. Food, a leather cap, and a wood sword. Also there were a few sticks and arrows and ink sacs, our bloops.
I looked around. Everyone was nearly geared like I was... Except Ian.
Ian was geared with a stone sword, enchating bottles, a stick, and iron boots.
"Jesus Ian..." I whispered, running away in fright. I knew he wasn't going to hurt me but I was scared of crazy people with insane gear...
After 20 minutes, the Deathmatch began. I looked at my rivals. The gear and the armour, and who I could take on.
Sky was topped up with full iron, just like me, and a diamond sword. Sky and I were equal, and we both had bows. But his chestplate wasn't enchanted, and mine was.
Jerome was too full iron, with a leather cap, and held Betty. He had no bow, or it would be strapped on his back.
Bodil was in full iron too, his legs and chest enchanted, but he had an iron sword that wasn't enchanted. But what scared me most was Ian.
Stood in full enchanted armour, all iron except the diamond helmet, an enchanted sharpness two diamond sword and a flame bow, Ian smiled.
"You're all gonna die." he hissed. Oh dear Lord...
"Ian how?!" Jerome, Bodil and Sky gasped in shock at the American's gear.
"I'm just good." he smiled. "But... LET'S GO!"
His scream terrified me, and I ran off my platform. I saw Bodil close on my tail, and Ian stood with his bow ready, and Sky and Jerome battling it out. I heard a scream, and an explosion. The chat read:
'ASFJerome was slained by SkythekidRS'
Oh God no... So Sky was well geared too, so I dived for Sky. We battled, but I realised I was about to die and fled. Ian's arrow whizzed past, and shot Sky in the head, and another which shot Bodil in the arm. He looked at me, and raised his bow. My own boyfriend was planned to kill me off.
His arrow hit me in the chest, and I groaned, trying to pull the arrow buried into my flesh out. The fire burnt my hand and I stopped, but I shot a death glance at my fiance and growled.
The sky lit up with a crack of lightning. Bodil's scream, and Sky's scream. I couldn't tell who had died... There was only one way to find out...
The chat read:
'SkythekidRS was slained by Bodil40 using Betty'
So Sky had dropped. Dead bodied of him and Jerome lay on the floor, but I knew they were alive and spectating right now.
Bodil now had a diamond sword instead of Betty, but his scream gurgled in blood, and the Bulgraian troller fainted, the chat reading:
'Bodil40 was shot by SSundee'
I heard Jerome's shout.
"Come on Mitch! Beat him up!" and Bodil and Sky roared in approval. They were on my side, after all.
I slowly moved towards the one I loved most. Did I really have to kill him to become king? Why him?
I finally reached him. He put his bow down and pulled out his sword. I bit my lip.
"I-Ian..." I whispered, my voice raspy and croaky. His crouched down, and sprung into the air.
At first I had no idea where my faince had gone, until I felt his warm arm wrap around my neck and his blade slice into side of my waist.
"I-Ian please... W-we can settle this the nice way!" I whimpered, the tears filling my eyes. He gave no mercy and pushed the blade in deeper. I cried out, and was too afraid to fight back. I didn't want to hurt him... But I guess I had to.
I elbowed Ian, backflipped, grabbed Sky's diamond sword and sighed.
"I didn't want to have to kill you Ian... But you don't want peace, so I guess I have to..."
I lunged foward. He flipped to the side. Oh he was so good at dodging... and his looks were making me falling for him, all my attacks missing.
I sliced him once, but that wasn't enough to his blood. His armour was too strong, but mine had almost incintergrated. He slashed me, and dodged my slice, and then...
He backflipped and grabbed me by the neck again. This time I was too weak to fight back, so I tried to once again convince him by words.
"Ian we can talk this though! Please! Don't kill me... I-I love you Ian..." I began to tear up again. I knew he was impatient and wanted to kill me now to get it done with but I didn't want to be killed by my fiance... Either we did it some other way, or we killed each other.
The grip got a little less tight.
"I love you too Mitch..." Ian whispered, lowering his shaders and throwing his helmet off.
"Ian..." I was slightly scared... What was he doing?
I felt him take my chestplate off. I was too weak to fight back, so I leaned my head back, and rested it on Ian's chest whilst his grip got a little tighter. He tightened my neck so I couldn't breathe and I whispered:
"I-Ian stop... I can't breathe..." I rasped. He stopped, but didn't let go of me.
"Come on Mitch! I know you can win!" Jerome cheered, and so did Bodil. Sky kept quiet. He knew I was too weak now... and Ian was still nearly full hearts.
"I-I can't... Ian you've weakened me..." he let go of me at my words and I slipped to the floor, his blade slowly cutting up my arm. "AHH!"
I screamed, the blood spurting out. My vision began to blur, and get spotty... ugh...
Ian held me close, and fed me food. My arm stopped bleeding and he kissed me, but he dragged me up the wall, leaving my blood stain up it, and smiled. I rested on the wall, and panted.
"I-Ian... I love you..."
The American got close to me. I bit my lip shivered... I was terrified of Ian now... just because of what he'd done.
"Look around ... There's blood, death and destruction everywhere..." I panted. He looked at the stadium and saw the mess.
"Yeah..." he sighed, still scanning the walls. I pulled out my sword and Jerome smiled slightly.
"Just a stab Mitch, that's all..."
I brung my blace back, but before I could pierce my fiance's body with it, I felt a terrible pain in my stomach and I screamed, looking down.
I burst into tears. The American had jurked his arm back and stabbed me to finished me off. I looked at him and saw a sneaky smile spread across his face. His did it on purpose too.
"NO!" Jerome gasped. I fell and tumbled onto Ian's shoulder.
"I'm alive, kinda..." I whispered to him. His smile changed to a more polite one.
"Good..." his hands moved to my crotch and he grabbed it. I gasped, not enough energy to moan loud enough.
"I-Ian..." I panted, as he pinned me to the wall. I guessed he liked to see me blood before he boned me.
His mouth attached to my neck, and he slowly sucked it. I shivered, too weak to bring my sword out and kill me.
"I-Ian... I love you... So much..." I wailed, my moans mixed with my cries for help. He was slowly murdered me... That was his plan..
"I love you too Mitchy..." he hissed, his voice scary and dark. "And... Goodnight, Sweetheart..."
His arm thrust forwards, his blade stabbing straight through me. I screamed, my hands grabbed on Ian and pulling on his shoulders. He swiped me off and I groaned, and died on the floor next to his feet. He held his bloody sword high in the air, put a foot on my body and screamed "I AM THE CHAMPION!" as the words 'BajanCandian was slained by SSundee' appeared in the chat.
"NO! Mitch!" Jerome growled at me. "Why didn't kill him whilst you had the chance?!"
"Because I love him... But he killed me... and I through we were perfect..."
The five of us sat in base.
"Oh that was so amazing! I am by faaar the best at the Hunger Gamer... haha!" Ian showed off. He was so competitive, and so much of a show off, but he was my show off.
"Oh shut up already Ian! You're just a spoilt little brat!" Jerome snapped, obviously angry at both Ian and I.
Ian stood up, and Jerome did too. The two jumped at each other and got into a fight. Jerome crashed into the wall, and Ian was snarling.
"Don't you ever call me spoilt ever again!"
The American kicked the door, picked it up, threw it at the bacca, and left.
"Jerome..." I growled at the bacca, and looked outside. Ian was stood around, kicking glasses and bottles around. He spotted me, glanced at me, and turned away.
"Ian..." I whispered, and climbed out to go after him.
"What..." he sighed, his look stressed and mad.
"Jerome's not in the mood... He came last, and he's mad at me for not winning... Calm down please?" I asked. Ian sighed.
"Mitch." He smiled slightly. "I-I won... So am I the best?"
I smiled, resting my hands on his shoulders.
I toke off his shaders, not aware that Jerome, Sky and Bodil were watching. I stared deep into Ian's eyes and so did he, and we both blushed.
"Ian you killed me, and that is the best thing anyone who wants to be a champion can do. Kill the best, and kill the one they love, Ian. You are the Hunger Games King."
He leaned into me. I thought he wanted a kiss but he moved to my ear and whispered:
"I'll only be the king if you can be my queen..."
I smiled, and kissed his cheek.
"I already am your queen."
He picked me up and we kissed, his lips warm against mine.
"That was so cute!"
We jumped and saw Bodil and Sky next to us.
"You guys belong together... oh wow..."
I blushed.
The online announcer read out. Bodil, Sky, Jerome, Ian and I flew to spawn and sat down, ready to see the ranks.
"So at number 5 we have..." he began. We all fell silent. "ASFJerome!"
Jerome stood and screamed, and the whole crowd went crazy, and screamed his name.
"Ok, good good. So at number 4, we have..." we fell silent again. "SkyDoesMinecraft!"
Adam stood, and the lot of us had to cover our ears to how loud the crowd was. They were crazy about Sky and wanted him all the time.
"Ok, hush now! At number 3, we have..." silence. "Bodil40!"
The Bulgarian stood up and cursed down his TNT and the crowd went insane.
"BODIL! BODIL!" they all cheered. Bodil smiled.
"So now, is the time... At number 2, we have..."
I sighed. Me.
I waved, and the crowd went silent.
"He came second?!"
A few people were hating, but the rest of crowd clapped and cheered.
I began to flare. I jumped up, grabbed Ian's hand, spun him around and slammed him into the huge screen. Ian groaned, slid down the wall and fainted.
"Ooooooh... Ian is our winner... bye."
The TV went off, and the three shot an evil look at me. I gulped. Did I really just knock out Ian in my anger? Oh God no...
The crowd and my friends left me. I ran out the server, turned normal, and ran back home. Oh how I hope I wasn't in trouble...
I stopped and turned. Bodil, Sky and Jerome stood, their arms folded. Ian's hands were by his sides but his fist were burning in anger.
"You ruined my big moment!" Ian cried, the tears welling in his eyes.
"Ian I'm so sorry... I-I just got angry and I couldn't contain myself so I just threw you a-and..."
"Mitch..." Ian folded his arms. I closed my eyes as he walked over to me. "Think before you do things.. And don't spoil my big moment again... but I love you Bogdan..."
He kissed my cheek, and I cried in his arms.
"Thank you for not breaking up with me..." I whispered.
"I never would. Not after winning the Hunger Games." he smiled.

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