Mian - Why So Secretive?

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"Truth, Dare, Double Dare, Kiss, Command, or Promise!"

Adam's finger was left pointed on Ian. The whole of Team Crafted were sat around the campfire, playing Truth Or Dare.

"It's you Ian! Pick away!" Adam laughed. Jason was snuggled up on his lap asleep, missing the whole thing.

"Uh, dare...?" Ian bit his lip. Was that the right decision?

The gang turned to whisper dares, Mitch continuously looking back. Mitch, Jerome and Ian were the bestest of friends, but Mitch had been acting weird around Ian for the past few days.

"I dare you to take your shaders off in front of us all!" Ryan declared.

Ian fell silent. His biggest secret was his eye colour, and no one except his parents and himself knew his eye colour. He wore shaders all the time, no matter what. The gang knew this, so if Ian was to do it, his secret would be out, and they'd all know.

"N-no... I'm never taking them off." Ian folded his arms, his face angry.

"Please?" Quentin pleaded, blinking quickly in a cute way. Ian shook his head.

"Fine. The forfeit is that you have to cuddle for ten seconds with the person on your right." Ty smirked, and Adam chuckled.

Ian looked to his right, and sat there, his face bright red, was Mitch.

"Uh... o-ok..."

Ian got up and sat next to Mitch, whose blush got deeper. Everyone else giggled but Jerome, who looked at Mitch, smiled and nodded.

"So, do you want to cuddle...?" Ian whispered. "I've got to, or I've got another forfiet."

Mitch nodded, curling into Ian's chest whilst the ten second cuddle happened.

"Awww..." everyone began to clap and aww as the two pulled away.

"Did you enjoy that?" Jason yawned, who'd woken up to watch it. He snuggled up on Adam again and smiled.

"I suppose... It was sweet.." Ian blushed, sitting back down on his own log.

"I liked that." Mitch whispered, blushing a little. Jerome laughed.


Ian sighed, walking into the hotel's bathroom and slowly taking his shaders off.

"Uh..." he moaned, tired and sniff. He looked at him in the eyes. "It's ok, you stupid derpy idiot... Your eyes are safe for now..."

The TC member were sharing a hotel, with two rooms, a bathroom, and a lounge. Adam, Jason, Ty and Quentin shared one room, and Ian, Mitch, Jerome and Ryan shared the other.

Ian continued to mumble away to himself, before there was a shout.

"Hurry up Ian!"

Ian strolled out, shyly hiding his face. His shaders were still on, but he wanted to keep his eyes away.

"Ian what's up?" Jerome beckoned the tall man to his bed. Ian sat down and sighed, the furry bacca taking Ian in his arms.

"It's ok Ian. You don't have to show your eyes if you don't want to..." Jerome whispered, rocking Ian gently side to side. Out of the mirror, Mitch watched, and in jealously, turned away.

"B-but everyone makes fun of me..." Ian sniffed, resting his head on Jerome's chest.

"I don't Ian. Your eyes are yours. Keep them secret if you want. Just remember, you can tell Lancey, Mitch and I anything."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2023 ⏰

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