Jovanthony - Glass Shards

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I felt it crack, and smash over my head. David stood in front of me, his hands above my head.

The plate cracked before it hit me.

So I'd lost the Game Bang, with Matt, who was extremely pissed, and Ian. And what better of a punishment then smashing glass on our head?

Probably every punishment ever.

As the glass fell, I felt a sharp, yet small shard scrape into my skull, cutting through my skin. I cried out, and squealed.


I saw a few giggled, and Anthony quickly rush over to me to take, a look.

"Jesus Joven..." he muttered, and I looked up at him. Anthony, though giggling a little, was being extremely helpful and kind to me?

When Matt came and pulled the glass out, Anthony stood by me the whole time. I could see he was tempted to grab my hand, but he didn't.

After Wes cut the camera and went to edit, Anthony ran over to me and sat besides me.

"Joven are you ok?" he tilted my head down so he could see, and cringed.

"Yeah I'm fine. It's only small."

I felt Anthony's arms wrap around me and I felt myself being dragged towards him.

"I knew we shouldn't have done that punishment! Joven I'm sorry."

"I'm fine. I really am." I repeated, but I could tell Anthony was extremely sorry about what had happened. But why him out of all people?

To be fair, Anthony had been acting a little strange lately around me. He'd been nicer, supportive, and flirtier. Did Anthony want to trust in me more? Or did Anthony purely like me?

Come to think of it, the latter sounded about right.

And not just to me, or Anthony, but to the rest of the crew too.

But I bet only Ian knew the complete truth.

"Ok, good good."

Anthony let out a small smile, and ran a hand through my hair and across my cheek. If trying not to blush was hard, and I'd already broken that rule, what about trying not to shiver and sigh?

Because that was incredible difficult. I know, that it was just Anthony, but to me Anthony was not just Anthony. He was my one crush, the one I wanted.

Anthony's hand tickled my chin, but Ian had noticed that Anthony was with me. Smirking a little, he gently whispered something into David's ear, in which none of us heard, and David smiled.

Anthony looked ar them, noticing my glance, the turned back.

"Joven what's up?"

I blinked, then starred into Anthony's eyes.


Suddenly, I felt Anthony fall onto me and we toppled to the floor, him hovering over me. I saw Ian gasp, but giggle also.

"Oh, sorry! My bad!"

Ian knelt besides us, and smiled, gently grabbing the back of Anthony's head. I somehow had not noticed my arms around his neck.

"Let me help you were buddy."

Ian got closer and smirked.

"Take a deep breath."

Both Anthony and I were taken in shock as Ian forcefully but gently pushed our heads together. Our lips collied and Ian let go, watching as both our eyes shut and we both melted into the taste. I lifted my legs around Anthony's waist, who smiled in the kiss. I suddenly began to stuggle to breathe so gently pushed Anthony's head off mine.

"Ian you son of a bi-"

"Wait Anthony..."

The emo haired boy looked back at me and smiled.


"Don't shout at him... If it wasn't for him this wouldn't have happened."

Ian smiled and blushed, and David rubbed his back. Anthony fell silent, but nodded, and lifted my glasses off my eyes. I blushed, and we both smiled.

"You're right, Jovie. Thanks Ian"

I felt Anthony place a little kiss on my nose.

"I love you Joven."

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