Update II

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The book of yuri one-shots, Afterschool, is almost finished. I apologize greatly for the delay; school is still to blame for my absence. Here is an update on progress:

Ohayou Gozaimasu Chapter XIII: 25% Completed (Progress halted until Afterschool is completed. It is starting to seem as if writing inspiration for this story strikes me every three months for some reason, hehe.)

A Lily for my Dearest Chapter 2: 30% (Progress also halted)

Afterschool: 80% (Three stories need to be finished, then it will be posted~)


Senpai Complex

Bakemono Yuri 

There you have it, everyone. Thank you so much for taking time to read this update. Again, I apologize deeply and hope to have Afterschool posted soon! As for the new stories, I will not release any information on them until they are posted as to keep them as (hopefully) a surprise~ If they are any good, that is, haha... Anyways, I am sorry that I keep saying this, but thank you all so much for reading my stories! It really does mean so much to me, and I really appreciate it.

                                                                                                                           ~ The-Yuri-Addict

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