Chapter Two

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Well shit, what am I going to do now.  I'm the Hokage and I've let the world down, I just thought she would be able to do it.  I guess that Skylar's just not capable of handling this. I mean...Madara is her husband, she's had guys on her ever since he 'died' and she's rejected every single on of them, not even a one night stand or drinking out with some guy...I mean free booze.

Uhh!! I'm so stupid, how could I let this happen.  "Don't worry Lady Tsunade, she's raised her children with a strong Will of Fire.  She has to be able to convince Madara if he feels the same for her as she does for him."  Mazukage came up to me and spoke.  "For the sake of the world I hope she can."  I said and ran my fingers through my hair.

"I don't know, if we got the strong will to not change our opinion from him then we're screwed." Yuri came up and said. "Actually we got it from him, mom's opinion can be changed very easily. From what I've seen his opinion won't change, so we're still screwed. He'll probably change her opinion if anything." We sighed hearing what Yuri had changed his response to.

"What do you recommend we do?" Raikage asked and Yuri seemed a bit uncomfortable. "We could tell you everything that we know or we could tell you nothing and save our parents very little trouble." Yuri spoke throwing his hands up.

"I don't even know our mothers full power..." Mira came over and wrapped Kakashi's jacket tighter around her, she still had tears in the corner of her eyes. "I know someone who does but they've been dead for a long time."

"You mean me, right?" I looked over to see Jii san.

"W-what are you doing here?!" I yelled at him and I looked around him to see the rest of the past Hokages. "We were reanimated, but it seems as if the fight is already over here." Tobimara spoke looking around. "No, they're coming back later with the main course."

"They?? Isn't this just Madara?" Third Hokage asked and I shook my head. "Sklar Uchiha has joined him, at least that's what we think, she left with him."

"Oh shit, those two together that's a force to be reckoned with. Whoa...Yuri, Mira. I haven't seen you guys I forever, you're all grown up." First Hokage spoke and looked to them. "Wait you know us, you died a hundred years ago or something." Yuri said stepping forward.

"Oh...she never told you."

"Yeah, there's a lot she hasn't told us, we've realized that today." Yuri seemed to be doing all the talking while Kakashi gently held Mira in his arms.

"When Mira was born about 3 months later, once Madara...
yeah...anyway, Lord Jashin, the God who makes Sky immortal, took you two."

"Hold up what!?!" Mira yelled stepping out of Kakashi's arms. "She's actually immortal!!"

"Yeah, she's a Jashinist. Well the reason he took you two was Sky wanted to make sure Madara didn't come back and do something risky. So she sent you guys with Jashin and put you in stasis, you came back out 60 years later, she didn't want to take any chances. I guess she really did know he was still alive."

"Wow, I...didn't think she was lying to us on this large of a scale. I'm not helping that bitch, she spoke of a guy named Itachi a lot, she never said his full name she said that he trained her a lot."

"Yeah, she talked about him a lot too, she said that he killed his whole clan and that he was from her original time. Oh yeah, she also is from this time period. Right now she'd be 16 about, somewhere around there, I'm not quite sure."  Jii said and everyone looked amazed. 

"But she traveled back in time and then became immortal and made sure not to run into her self.  But if you really want someone who knows her we'll get Mito.  She knows a lot about Sky, they were best friends, like Madara and I."  He's so oblivious...

"Really, could we reanimate her?" Tasukage asked stepping forward, but I pulled him back to finish healing him right away. "Hell no, reanimation has caused enough damage in this awful world." Second Hokage spoke. "But this could help us!" I opposed right away. "I will have no part in this then. Who here actually knows that jutsu besides me." He spoke and everyone looked around kinda awkward, no one does...

"Tobimara, you will use that jutsu right now. This is not the time to be stubborn, you're being a selfish little brat!! This is a matter of life and death for the whole world. You will use that damn jutsu right now, I'm telling you as your superior, which I will always be, do you understand!!" Jii San yelled right in Tobimara's face, who seemed very taken back. "Yes sir." He quietly spoke and Hashimara turned back to face the rest of us.

"Sorry, about that. I guess I got a bit of that from Madara." He sheepishly said as Tobimara kept his head high and did the reanimation. "Hashi!!" Was the first thing she spoke, seeing him first. He wrapped his arms around her waist and she wrapped hers around his neck, slightly picking her up as he did so. He placed his forehead against hers, it's this cool thing that they do that can transfer info to each other.

"Okay, where can I find her?" She said and opened her eyes. They pulled away and she turned to me. "Oh Tsunade." She said and she came up and hugged me. "Hey." I quietly spoke, hugging her back. "So, where is my idiot of a best friend?" She asked looking around.

"Here." We turned and saw Skylar standing a good distance away. "Sky!!!" She yelled and to her. They hugged each other, Skylar picking her up and spun her around and set her down. They quietly spoke and Mito nodded her head slowly.

"She's on Madara's side. But, I wouldn't recommend engaging in battle. Honestly I would give up now. Here's what's she told me: 'All Madara wants to do is be able to control the world. If you guys refuse he may end up killing everyone, which I don't want. He wants to make the world a better place, I've already him immortal like me, you can never get rid of him now, I would just give up. He isn't here with me either. I left him there, he doesn't know I'm here.' Madara is far more powerful than her. Imagine what his power is like now." Gii said sighing. I just can't believe she would say that.

"Mito! We must never give in!! We will fight to the last breath!" Jii spoke and just shook her head. "He's immortal, we can't beat him..."

>>Madara's Point of View

"Where were you?!" I asked running up to her as soon as she walked in.  "Babe, it's okay, I went to the battle field and said some things.  Mito was reanimated and we talked. I made sure she didn't place a tracker on me either." She told me, running her hands along my biceps of each arm.  She looked up at me sheepishly.  She reached her arms up and I leaned down and she used me to pull her self up onto me and kissed me.

"See, I'm fine." She said and jumped off.  "I'm tired, let's go to bed."  She said and grabbed my hand.  She can't just run off like that though.  I care for her, I can't lose her like I lost Izuna, I will not, I don't care if she's immortal.  She could be beaten, which hurts, even for her.  Well, I guess me too now, it was a very bloody ritual, I only spent a little amount of time with her as a Jashinist, but that was one of the main things; lots of blood and a lots of sex.



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