Chapter Four

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>>Skylars Point of View

When I woke up I was surrounded by this eerie mist. I sat up taking a deep breath in, the air tasted foul.  "You're awake..."  I looked to see Madara sitting on a rock.  He looked normal, back to the way he was before the 10 tails.  "Madara what's going on? Where's everyone, why'd you drug me? Who won?!" I asked getting off the ground.  He got up and walked over to me.  He grabbed both of my smaller hands and kissed both my hands.

"Go look around for your self.  Some of them might be left, I'll be here when you're ready."  He told me and let go of my hands and I looked up at him confused. Yuri...Mira...

I turned very quickly and ran, I looked down and saw many bodies...Lady Tsunade...  I stopped and kneeled down to her level.  "Lady Tsunade.."  I mumbled and took her pulse, it was very weak. 

"Skylar...go quickly, see your family."  She coughed out and her eyes closed completely.  "What.."  I mumbled.  Tsunade's incredibly powerful, how can she be dead something powerful must've got her.  I must fulfill her last wishes, she wants me to see my family.  Yuri, Mira, Kakashi, Asuna, everyone...even Tsunade's my family. I got up and ran attempting to find their chakra. 

Why's everyone dead, what if Mira and Yuri are, they can't be.  Why would Madara and I be alive then.  I picked up my pace.  I found Yuris chakra, Mira was another 50 feet away from him or so.  I ran up to Yuri who was collapsed on the ground.  I kneeled down and pulled him into my lap.

"Mom...Dad..he...he did this...he sent out a poison that killed all the weaker shinobi for may villages...what about...Aoi..." He mumbled and coughed a bit of blood. I immediately wiped it away from the corner of his mouth.

"Mom....I'm scared...I shouldn't be....I'm a shinobi...we're fearless...I'm really scared though....what's going to happen to Aoi...and Mira...." He nearly got out without coughing.

"Is that be scared...I'm a grown man scared...." He said again and turned slightly chuckling a bit, but it quickly turned to coughing.

"It's okay baby, Madara would get scared too. I get scared too, everyone does. But without that..." I couldn't finish, I began to cry even more. "Mom....I'm going. Tell Mira I love her, you've been a great mother, you've done it all on your own and couldn't have done it better...I-I-I..." He spoke very quickly.

"Yuri...Yuir....Yuri, you what....YURI!!!" I yelled and held him even closer. "No...Yuri..." I mumbled into his chest. My baby is gone, my first born, my troublemaker, my protector even sometimes. He's gone, my little baby boy is gone. No, he can't be. I'm not ready, he had so much he was gonna do, he wanted to be Hokage. Tsunade and I had discussed it even, she was going to pick him next..and Aoi, they were going to have a child. Her and their child are dead now...they can't be...

Tell Mira I love her.

I gently placed his body down and closed his eyes. "I love sweet little boy." I said and kissed his forehead. I got up and began to walk over to her, I could see her moving, slightly shaking. I ran over to her. Before I did I wiped my tears from my face and went over to her. I placed my hands on either side of her. She turned to me, a brand new blazing rinnegan. I looked to the side to see a dead Kakashi.

"HE'S DEAD!!" She yelled at me and wrapped her arms around my waist. She fell to the side and crawled over to Kakashi a bit. "Asuna...she's dead too, isn't she..." She said taking in more and more air. "No, Mira take littler breaths, please." I said and she and shut her mouth for and moment but just took another big breath.

"I WANT TO DIE!!! MY BABY AND HUSBAND ARE DEAD!! DEAD...dead...they're dead..." She crawled slightly onto Kakashi and removed the last bit of his ripped mask.  She began to run her fingers over him nose and lips.  "Mom...why...why would he do this...I just wanted to live a normal life...."  Mira began to cough and choke.  I stood exactly where I was.   I couldn't move.  She didn't want me here...

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