Chapter Three

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"Ready?" I asked and she nodded her head.  I used kumia to teleport us to the battle field.  "Well, this is not what I expected."  I said once we got there, they were all still here, no reinforcements or anything, no one left either.  Wait, that's Mito Senju, when? I feel as if I've heard something about her earlier.

"Skylar, we've made a decision."  Mito came forth and spoke.  "What is that?" Sky asked stepping forward a bit.  "We're going to fight!" Tsunade yelled.  I turned felling a presence behind me, it was that nine tails brat.  "Oh no, I almost forgot! All the Hokages are here!"  Skylar said and turned to me while I broke the little mortal.  "Naruto!" A girl scream was heard, maybe he has a little friend.  The scream was not who I expected it to be. It's was Skylar.  I tossed the arm of the boy to the side. 

"Sorry, it's just I've known him for so long, I'm good."  She said and I turned away to see all of the Hokages with horrified expressions.  It seems he was the force that kept everyone motivated. The Hokage with blond hair and a jacket that said fourth Hokage seemed the most distressed.  "Minato.."  Hurizen mumbled to the fourth.  Minato looked up and turned.  "No!!" Skylar yelled and jumped for him, she tackled him right before he could teleport away. "No, I will not let you hurt them!" She yelled and they tumbled.  "He killed your son, I will not let you do the same!" She yelled pinning him down, her brand new sharingan. 

"W-what.."  Minato mumbled and disbelief, tears in the corners of his eyes. The young Hokage began to start violently shaking and he disappeared, she used tskyumi on him. "How!?" Hashimara spoke in shock.  "Those are my old eyes, I have a new power of Izunas eyes.  There's nothing you can do to stop us."  I told him and he began to shake a bit.

"Madara you can't do this!!!  These are innocent people, they never did anything!!" He yelled again and I felt anger build up inside of me. 

"Izuna was innocent!!! Skylar was innocent!! Hell, I was innocent.  The war changed us, do you think we ever wanted all that fighting.  This generation is weak, they don't know true pain.  This is nothing compared to what we went through!  In the end no one will ever we innocent!" I yelled at him and he shook. "But we could prevent it Madara.  Madara, it is no longer our time.  That's long since past.  How about you surrender, and we all go back to being dead and everyone else to their normal lives, so everyone can have a chance to innocent.  We should be dead, we've done our time.  What do you say?" Hashimara calmly spoke. 

"You think it's long past your time!!! How do you think I feel!! I've fucking time traveled, I'm think you're way past your time, think again!!" Skylar came up to Hashimara and punched him, sending him flying backwards.  "I'm like her too now.  My time has just begun."  I lightly said and everyone stepped back in disbelief.  "But we killed Hidan!! We can kill you too!" Tsunade said and everyone seemed rather encouraged.

"Neither of us are as stupid as Hidan.  He wasn't dead either, he was just cut up and placed in the ground, but he's still down there, screaming.  Well he was, my father got him out." Skylar spoke which made Tsunade look enraged.  "He killed Asuma! Asuma...he...he helped you.  He helped you on jobs and wen you had guys all over you he was the one to get them to fuck off. You disgust me..."  Tsunade spit at Skylar.  Shit, she's being effected.  "Skylar!" I yelled and grabbed her and pulled her back. 

"Go to a different front, fight there." I whispered in her ear, she nodded her head and jumped away. "Follow her!! The Kages will stay here and fight." Tsunade commanded. The reanimations all disappeared into the ground. I looked at Mira and Yuri, they were just standing there. "Mira, Yuri...go back to base. Inform everyone of the news about Naruto, let them know that your mother is the enemy too." Tsunade said to them and they ran off.

"Ready to dance, mortals?"

>>Time Skip: The Battle of Guy and Madara

"Guy you've past me in taijutsu, don't let all of the training I've given you go to waste!!" Mira yelled at the so called Guy. "So my daughter taught you, that's interesting." I commented and he grit his teeth. "She's my best friend, you hurt her. I will defeat you." Could she really be friends with him he looks like such a joke.

"Don't under estimate me by my appearance." He spoke again and placed a hand up to fight.

>>Time Skip

He was better than I thought, he almost beat me, but he's almost dead. I summoned the black matter and got it in position to attack him. I sent the black sphere to him, Mira appeared and caught it! What is she doing she shouldn't appose me, maybe due to me being her father she isn't scared of me.

"I won't let you hurt him any further, father. He's my best friend, I won't allow this." She spoke and placed her foot down. "Mira, this is much different. Get on my side or I'll kill you." Her eyes immediately showed fear. "No! No he won't!" Skylar was marching towards us.  "Sky!" I yelled at her annoyed slightly.  "Mom!" Mira yelled too with happiness in her voice.  She came up to me and made me bend down a bit. 

"I told her to go against us so then she could still have a place to go to if this doesn't work and her child is in their hands."  Sky hissed at me and I rolled my eyes a bit.    I didn't want to have to do this but I guess I have to.  "Fine, I guess what ever is best for my family."  I said and snaked my hand into her hair and leaned down.  I placed my lips against, I kissed her slowly and gently blew into her mouth.  She began to struggle a little bit but gave up. 

"There we go."  I lightly said and placed her on the ground very carefully.  "I'm sorry my love." I whispered and kissed her forehead.  I turned back to everyone standing there. 

"Well, now the fun can begin."



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