Chapter One

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So this was my first time ever writing something like this so I apologize for the shortness and poor writing. I promise it gets better around chapter six. -your author


I made my way into the packed teen club. My best friend Shania was having a small private party for her sixteenth birthday in the VIP section. I showed my invitation for the party to a huge and muscular tan guy in front of the VIP.

The VIP was gigantic with velvet love seats and dimmed lights.

"You're here! What took you so long?" screamed Shania.

"It takes a while to look this bootiful," I replied glamourously.

Shania started laughing loudly.

"Hey is that Jazmine?" said a snotty voice from behind me.

I groaned. It was Jaida. We had always hated each other since middle school. I remember the day we first met. I was new at the school in 7th grade and went to sit at her table.

"What are you doing here?" shrieked a bratty voice.

"Sitting down," I replied smartly not even looking at the direction the voice came from.

All of a sudden I felt someone grab my arm. I turned to the person who grabbed me. Standing above me I saw a Latin girl with tan skin and black hair down to her waist. Her green eyes showed total annoyance but I chose to ignore it.

"Let. Go. Of. My. Arm." I snarled menacingly at her.

She snickered, tossing her head to the side with a glint of emusement in her eyes. "Make me."

I don't know what came over me but next thing I know I'm on top of her and pulling her hair and punching her in the face.

After five minutes I feel someone pulling me off of her and look to see who it is. A short light skinned girl with hazel colored eyes standing in front of me.

"You should stop before you kill her," she said.

We stare at each other for a while before she chirps in a ditsy voice, "Oh my names Shania by the way."

She offered me her hand and I shook it. "Jazmine."

Suddenly I see the girl I was beating up run out of the cafeteria in tears with blood streaking down her face that came from her nose.

"What's her deal?" I asked Shania, staring at the girl's frantic rage to get out of the cafeteria. 

Shania replied, "She's Jaida Orteez. Her parents are the school's top fundraisers and when they see what you did to her they'll probably sue your pants off."

I started laughing uncontrollably. When Shania asked me why I was laughing I told her between laughs "My dad's one of the best lawyers in the country! If he wasn't I wouldn't have beat her ass! I wanna see her parents try!"

For the rest of lunch I sat at "Jaida's" table with Shania and the other girls that were there. You'd think that they would have left after they saw what I did to their leader.

And now, here I was so close to beating the shit out of her. Again. It was sad that things had hardly changed since then.

"I'm not in the mood today Jaida," I groaned. "I'm just trying to enjoy my friends party." 

The feeling of somebody watching me overwhelmed me. Surely the security guards couldn't have caught onto what I was tempted to do already

All of the sudden Jaida brought me out of my thoughts. "What are you, scared?" Jaida sneered me.

I tried to keep my patience so I wanted get kicked out of the club. 

"The only thing scary about you is your salty breath," I replied in a dangerous tone.

"At least my skin doesn't look like charcoal," Jaida said smartly.

She hit the soft spot which I recognized as my skin tone. I wanted to stay out of trouble for my best friend's birthday, but Jaida and my temper wouldn't allow it.

I tackled her and started to swing when a security guard grabbed me mid swing. These guys are fast.

The security guard carries me out and I see Shania trying to stop him. "Don't worry, go back to your party," I said calmly to Shania with a wave and a sad smile. Shania went back to the party. The security guard dropped me outside on the curb, where I sat down in criss cross applesauce fashion. Suddenly I heard the door open and not even bothering to look I said, "You shouldn't have come."

"Why not?"

I jump when I hear the voice. It's a guy's with a slight Hispanic accent. When I turn and look at him I almost drool he had black, curly hair in a ponytail and a black sweater with black jeans on.

"Who are you?" I ask confused.

"Jay," he said hesitantly. I didn't think much of his unwillingness to tell me his name. "I saw what happened out there, sorry."

"It's fine", I said, while covering my face trying to hide my embarrassment.

There's a long pause.

"Do you wanna have dinner tonight?", he asks, breaking the silence.

I look up at him confused "Hold up," I think to myself, "Did he just ask me out? Well, I have nothing better to do."

"Sure," I say.

He leads me to his Ferrari. I tried to hide my amazement as I get in his car. We end up going to Red Lobster. We both order the Chicken Alfredo. We talk about random things and I end up laughing at most of the things he says. When it's time to pay I pull out my wallet.

"Lemme me pay," Jay says pushing my hand down.

"It's cool, I got it," I reply.

"I'm the one that asked you out," he says matter of factly, "I should pay."

"Fine, you win big guy," I repeat defeated.

By the smirk that crosses his face I can tell he likes winning.

"Can we go to the pier and get ice cream?", I ask randomly.

"Sure," he answers.

When we get there we just talk about our futures and what we want to be, our likes and dislikes, and our favorite things. All of a sudden I see my purse light up. It was a text from Shania apologizing for what happened tonight at the club. When I see the time I jump.

"Wow I gotta leave," I say, "It's midnight."

"Okay," Jay says, "I'll drive you back to the club."

"Thank you so much," I say softly.

When we get back to club he asks me for my number and I give it to him.

"Thank you again," I say as I takeoff towards my car.

"Hold on," Jay says "you never told me your name."

"Jazmine," I say without even looking back or stopping.

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