Chapter Eight

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(Jacob's POV)

When I was sure Jazmine was asleep I turned around and looked at her. I could see tears on her face and her pillow. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes but I stopped them. I turned back around and went to sleep.

When I woke up I noticed Jazmine wasn't in bed. I looked across the room and saw her in the bathroom. It looked like she was dying her hair. When she noticed that I was awake she asked, "Are you okay?". I just shrugged which clearly annoyed her.

"Jay," she started taking a deep breath. "I just want to know if you're okay."

I just looked down. If I told her she would feel bad for me and that would most definitely hurt my pride. Ever since what happened in Barcelona I was afraid of losing her. I just thought that if we hadn't left earlier she would have had to go back to Ray and I would go to jail. As hard as it was to say I know I wouldn't last in prison. "I can't tell you. Can we please just forget it?".

"Fine," she answered. "Wanna get breakfast?", she asked. I replied with a nod. "You should dye your hair first and put on a pair of contacts," she instructed. I noticed that she had bright green contacts in. I chose a set of blue ones and we headed to the lobby. When we got food we decided to take it to our room. While we were eating I noticed she was staring at me. "What?" I asked.

"You look completely different," she said with a giggle.

I smiled, "So do you." With her green eyes and blonde hair she looked like a she was mixed. Im pretty sure I looked like a stereotypical surfer from California. "What do you say I take you out for dinner tonight?", I asked her.

Jazmine gave me a sad smile, "Wouldn't that ruin our cover though?", she asked.

"Not really," I answered.

After we finished breakfast we checked the news channels. I didn't understand anything but apparently Jazmine did. "How do you know all of these languages?", I asked her.

"My dad made sure I knew a lot of languages in case I had to use them to get out of trouble," she answered.

I never even knew. Wanting to get to know her better I asked, "What languages do you know?".

"Besides English, French, and Spanish," she started, "I know Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Italian, and Russian."

I widened my eyes, "Wow, you're dad must've been,"

"Yeah," she interrupted knowing what I was going to say.

We were watching one channel calmly for about thirty minutes. Suddenly, something made her eyes widen. "What is it?", I asked. She ignored me. She was paying close attention to the news story we were watching. After ten minutes of watching the TV closely she looked scared. "What is it?", I asked again, this time more worriedly.

"They said that we were found in Barcelona and our car was spotted entering France," she answered. "They're probably gonna find us soon, we need to leave," she continued.

But I didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay right here. With her. "Where are you thinking about going?", I asked.

"Maybe L.A.," she answered. When she saw my face of mass confusion she explained, "We could go, clear your name, and sort things out."

"I don't really want to," I said in a small voice, knowing that what I said made me sound like a child.

I could tell I had annoyed Jazmine by the irritated look on her face. "Do you know how selfish you sound right now?", she practically yelled.

I felt my face getting hot. "Why don't you go by yourself then!", I yelled, not realizing what I had said.

Her face showed anger and shock. "You know what?", she said.

Jazmine's Story (A Mindless Behavior Fanfic) {ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now