Chapter Fourteen

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(Jacob's POV)

"Excuse me?" I asked, noticeably annoyed.

The man who questioned us was at least three inches taller than me. He had a fresh cut and was wearing scrubs. He was just a nurse. I felt Jazmine touch my shoulder. "Jacob leave it," she whispered, trying to soothe my tenseness.

The nurse had stood up straight from his leaned back position on the wall. He approached Jazmine and I. "You're lucky I covered you," he said only to Jazmine, completely ignoring me.

"Damien I-" Jazmine started.

"No," he interrupted her, making his way towards the door.

This guy was annoying the shit out of me. What made him think he could talk to Jazmine like that?

"Hey!" I called before he could even touch the door.

The nurse, Damien, gave me an annoyed look. "What?" he asked, annoyed.

I approached him, slowly and punched him in the jaw.

"Jacob!" Jazmine squealed.

She rushed over to a now bleeding Damien on the ground. She was fussing to help him, but Damien just kept his eyes focused on me and pushed her hands away.

Jazmine tried to hold him down but he broke from her grasp. Jazmine watched helplessly as he swung at me, punching me in the eye.

I charged towards him and we got into an active brawl on the ground.

I punched him repeatedly before he took over our fight and started punching.

All in all this fight was tie. He would take over our fight and I would take over our fight.

After a while of this a distressed Jazmine and a security guard pulled us off of each other. I hadn't even noticed she had left.

Jazmine sat me in one corner, and the security guard sat Damien in the opposite.

"What were thinking?!" she yelled at both of us.

I changed my position so I sat with my feet on the ground and my knees up. I stared up at her, silently. Damien just sat there, looking down.

"Get out," she said quietly, to both of us.

Damien left without hesitation while I stood up in shock.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I want you to leave," she answered, not even looking at me.

"Jaz I'm s-"

"Just go!" she yelled.

I walked towards the door with my head down. I noticed a group of people standing near it. It must've been her family. I muttered greetings and left.

I decided to go to the park where the jazz festival was held to retrieve my picnic basket.

When I got there many heads turned to my direction. I hadn't really tried to be unnoticeable this time. I sighed and put on my sunglasses, even though I knew they had already seen me.

"Is this your picnic basket?" a young lady's voice chirped behind me. I recognized that voice.

I turned around to face her. Jaida's green eyes stared back at me. She had been wearing a green shirt that matched her eyes, greatly exposing her cleavage. She was also been wearing a white skirt that stopped a few inches above her knees.

"Thank you," I muttered, snatching the basket from her hands and turning back towards my car.

"Wait!" she exclaimed, putting her hands on my back.

Jazmine's Story (A Mindless Behavior Fanfic) {ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now