Chapter Twenty-Seven

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(Derrick's Point of View)

Ray was finally out of jail, and my quest for revenge could finally go on. Mason and I weren't really trying to rush our plan, so we gave Ray a few days to settle in. We didn't even know if he would help us. All we could do was hope for his assistance.

On my way to work at my secret warehouse, I began to remember Jaida's surprise call from Josh.

I hadn't bothered to ask Jaida how she got Josh's phone number, but now I was thinking that I should have.


Jaida's hand shook slightly as she raised her phone up and showed it to me. The caller ID read Josh.

"Answer it and put it on speaker," told Jaida firmly.

She nodded and took deep breath before answering.


"Jaida," Josh started, as if he was talking to an old friend after years of no communication, "how you doin'?"

Jaida's eyes roamed nervously towards me. I gave her a pointed look which meant that she should focus on the job at hand.

"Good," she said after regaining her courage. "What do you need from me?"

"Jaida, why you thinkin' I need somethin' from you?"

Jaida was starting to get annoyed, which meant she would be giving Josh her sass. "Well you only haven't talked to me in years, and we only talked to each before if we needed something from each other."

Like the cocky prick he was, Josh began to chuckle. "You got me. You still have those ties with them assassins?"

Jaida looked at me for advice on what to say. I nodded slowly. 

"Yes," she answered slowly.

"Good, cause Imma need them."

Curiosity got the better of Jaida. "What for?"

My death stare and head shake came too late. She had already said it. I had a very clear idea on what Josh would say.

"Why don't you just mind yo own business and get me what I need?"

Jaida didn't even have time to answer, because Josh hung up on her. 

I sighed. "We gotta call Mason and sort this shit out."

Jaida looked at me guiltily, and I didn't even bother to try to comfort her by telling her it wasn't her fault, because after, it was her fault.

Mason wasn't going to be happy.


"What you mean he hung up? What the hell did y'all tell him?"

My prediction last week was right. Mason most certainly was not happy right now.

I looked at Jaida bitterly. "Why don't you tell him?"

Jaida looked down at her hands. "I was kinda being nosy."

I scoffed and muttered, "Kinda."

We were silent for a while, meaning the whole warehouse was silent.

I had told all my employees to stay at home for a while, because of the major plan Jaida, Mason, and I were cooking up.

Right now, we were sitting in the reception area where my customers usually waited for their supply. 

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