Chapter 2 Chase's Transformation

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All the pups woke up when they heard the howl, they all ran out their pup houses and into the lookout. "Where's Chase." Asked Skye worried.

"Maybe he's still in his pup house I'll got check if he's ok." Asked Marshall walking out of the lookout. "Be careful dude." Said Zuma.

Marshall walked outside being as quiet as possible going to Chase's pup house. Marshall made it to Chase's pup house and was about to ask Chase to wake up when he heard Chase grunting and growling.

"Chase are you ok!" Marshall asked worried and curious. "I'm fine Marshall." Chase said opening the door to his pup house walking out stumbling. Marshall and Chase walked in the lookout and Chase fell to the ground and started growling. "Chase are you ok." Asked Skye worried.

"No somethings wrong with me pups head to the elevator!"Asked Chase still growling. All the pups started to back up near the elevator as Chase started to transform into a wolf. "Right come on pups let's head to the elevator!" Said Marshall. When the pups went into the elevator they saw Chase as a wolf. "No wonder Chase was acting so strange." Said Marshall. All the pups went up the elevator and told Ryder what happened. While the pups were talking to Ryder Chase ran out the lookout was hiding waiting for the pups to come outside so he can attack one of them.

After a while Ryder and the pups came out and Chase's ears perked up as he slowly began to creep up on Ryder and the pups. Chase jumped on Ryder and Chase was about to bite his neck but Marshall pushed him off.

"Chase your not yourself please stop this!" Begged Marshall. Chase was growling at Marshall and the rest of the pups. "Wait Marshall maybe I can try to talk to him." Said Skye.

"Ok Skye be careful." Said Zuma worried, Skye walked toward Chase carefully. "Chase do you remember me." Chase pounced on Skye and started growling at her but then stopped and got off her and started whimpering.

"Oh Chase I know you didn't mean it." Said Skye nuzzling him, Chase started to run into the woods.

"Chase wait!" Yelled Skye as tears started to form on her.


Chase woke up near a pond all dirty. He got up and drank some water and saw his reflection in the water, it showed the wolf version of him. Chase started to wander around so he can find his way back to the lookout but kept backtracking farther and farther.

"I guess I'm lost. *sighs*" Chase said as he curled up and started to cry softly.

At the lookout

"Pups wake up we have to find Chase." Said Ryder. All the pups woke up and headed to the lookout,got their gear and went to the woods to find Chase.

After a while Chase stopped crying and headed towards a cave and saw a bunch of wolves after heading to the cave.

"Hey guys look what we have here."Said the wolf circling around Chase.

"Um I don't want any trouble." Said Chase being a bit scared and in a defensive stance.

"Well little pup you came to the wrong place you better-"

"Fang back off him."

The female wolf of the pack appeared and started walking toward Chase.

"Where are you from little pup." Asked the wolf curiously. "I'm from Adventure Bay."

The wolf looked at Chase for a while then started sniffing him then was shocked.

"Emma what happened?" Fang asked worried a bit. "The pup he's part wolf."

"What! That's impossible how can a pup like him be a wolf like us he doesn't even look like one to begin with." Fang said curiously

"Well forget that Fang, are you lost uh what's your name?"Said Emma "My name is Chase."

"Well Chase you can stay here for as long as you want until you can find your way home." Said Emma.

"Marshall see if you can catch his scent." Asked Ryder

"Will do Ryder." Marshall sniffed for a while when he caught Chase's scent and followed it. After a while Marshall lost it and told Ryder they decided to call the search off and find Chase tomorrow


"Chase tomorrow me and Fang are gonna teach you how to hunt." Emma said "Are you sure I'm not that kind of pup I don't hunt." Chase said

"Well Chase we'll talk about this in the morning." Emma said before going to sleep "Ok Emma goodnight." Chase said before leaving the cave.

Chase started walking to a cliff and howled at the moon before transforming into a wolf.

At the lookout

Skye woke up to the howl and headed to the woods to find Chase. "Chase where are you I know you're around here." Skye said to herself, she heard another howl and followed it. After a while she saw a wolf on a cliff she called out to Chase and Chase looked at her and started to nuzzle her. "Aww Chase I'm glad I found you, you need to come back to the lookout." Chase stopped nuzzling Skye and started to whimper thinking Ryder and the pups would hate him. "Please Chase come home." Skye said with tears starting to form on her. Chase started licking her tears and started nuzzling her again.

"So Chase are you coming back home?" Skye said. Chase agreed and started walking to the lookout with Skye unaware that they were being watched by Fang.

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