|Chapter 1: J|(Thea)|

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Streetlights. I look up at the flickering light above my head, flies swarming and attacking the bright source. My worn Nikes crunching across broken glass splayed everywhere on the sidewalk.

I pick up the pace as I hear yelling in one of the apartments in the long strip of a building. I cringe as the crunching under my feet gets louder until I'm fully over it. The yelling continues, and gets louder as the door opens. A woman with a mascara streaked face comes storming out the door, keys clinking as they swing to her pace.

I step awkwardly out of the way as she comes my way and mumble a, "sorry."

She doesn't say anything and instead hops into a black Lincoln at the end of the parking lot.

I watch puzzled, as a man in only athletic shorts and under armor socks stands in the doorway, shaking his head like a disappointed parent. I continue walking but stop when he clears his throat and says, "She's something isn't she?"

Is he talking to me?

He looks straight at me like he knows me. I stumble over my tongue for the correct words and end up replying, "Oh, um, sure.. I guess."

He chuckles and scratches his ear.

"Yeah. That's my sister for you." He shares.

"Oh," nice job, you sound like a real nice person.

He continues staring at me with a quizzical look on his face. I shift on my feet, pushing my glasses back up onto my nose.

"Well, bye," He breaks his stare and waves as I start my trek home.

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