|Chapter 3: J|(Thea)|

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I turn over onto my back, trying to get situated in my small twin bed. My eyes fall on the little sliver of light produced by the streetlight outside my window, the blinds always up so I can see the sky.

I pull my hair out from under my back and twist it up over my head, feeling my wrist for a hair tie. I sigh when I realize I don't have one.

Eyes returned to the silver sliver, I run my hand over it, watching as it goes over the curves and creases of my skin.

My eyelids start to droop but pop open when a loud CRASH erupts from right outside my window. Heart racing, I sit up in bed and peek slowly over the window sill. The trash can is knocked over but... Nothing. The culprit of the situation must've ran off.

It was probably a raccoon. I reassure myself with the words.

But as I'm about to turn back to my bed, movement catches my eye. The trash can rocks slightly back and forth. I hold my breath as I watch in anticipation. Nothing happens. Oh!

A dark figure about the size of a cat rushes out of the trash can and falls to the ground. I watch in curiosity as it struggles to get back up. It's successful in getting up but it has a limp to its walk.

I hear a low growl, the window muffling most of the noise, but nonetheless, I am still able to hear it.

A hunched, bigger and more ragged form stalks out of the nearby trees. My gut tells me to stop watching but I stay at the window, dreading what is about to happen. I see the unsuspecting prey continue to struggle to walk, crawling at a turtles pace. The bigger animal crouches, inspecting and searching for weaknesses of its victim.

Then, as if it's done it its whole life, the animal springs and takes off into a sprint at the smaller animal. The small one senses something and tries to start running. For its struggle to walk it surprises me as it runs faster than I would have expected. But I know how this ends.  The bigger animal, the predator in this situation, quickly gains ground on the injured.

It happens quickly, the big tackles the small, dragging it by its neck. The small struggles with it but it's no use.

I watch the whole thing. Predator to prey, just like life.


Yay, another chap!:) It was really fun, and I hope anyone who reads this liked it. Please vote and comment! ~J

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