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First thing I want to say is that I'm really not organized for writing at all! i have no written drafts of this and just type whatever comes to mind, so bear with me, the 84 people who have read this-but not anymore readers. I don't know what we are doing wrong but we aren't getting anymore reads. it is probably due the the lack of followers on this account. We forget all the time to update and only have five, not counting this chapter, only five parts and we've been working on this since march.

I know whoever reads these probably don't care about what we have to say, but if you could atleast let us know you are there that would be so relieving. I also need more stories to read so if you are working on anything, comment it and I will definitely read whatever you are working on!

I've been reading 'The Famoux and it is amazing. AHSAJLDJL. I'm on chapter 30, and I can hardly stop reading, I have to force myself to put down my phone. GO READ IT AND GIVE HER A MILLION VOTES, THE AUTHOR IS AMAZING.

Anyways, going on to the story.


Coco Puffs. They're my orthodox. My day to day breakfasts. Traditional and regular, unlike my life. My Dad can never stay in one place, and this place, this rural town was just beginning to become home. it was just finally growing on me.

But then reality crashed down and washed over me in waves, like the tide washing away the childs sand castle he took so long to build, in Orlando. He was crushed, and I witnessed it.

My Dad broke the news to me that we are moving in a month just now. I want to cry, but I just stare at him in disbelief. I hate moving. "Okay," is all I say because I'm too tired to pick a fight. In all my fourteen years, we have moved countless times. I've made a list of the places we've been but I can't recall all of them right now.

"I'm sorry, Thea. I know you were making friends, and we move so often, I just-" I cut him off with a piercing stare.

"It's fine, Dad." 

I get up to rinse out my now empty bowl that was previously holding coco puffs. My every movement is filled with aggravation towards my Dad. The plastic bowl hits the sink with a resounding clunk as I toss it onto the metal surface haphazardly.

"You ready?" My dad asks as I grab my backpack off of the floor, slinging it onto my back.


We walk the short distance to the car and slide inside. my dad starts the car and is backing out of the drive, when my eyes widen, "WAIT."

I open the door and am out in a flash. I almost forgot that we had a track meet today. It's a good thing my track stuff is ready and packed in my drawstring bag by the door because school is in less than seven  minutes. Rushing back out the door to the car, my foot catches on the ground and I almost trip. "Fuu-dge."


At lunch I sit with the group of girls I play basketball with. Jolie, Emma, and Isabel are the only girls out of the basketball team, including me, who also do track. Isabel-who we call Bel, and Sarah took to me the first week I  was here and we became instant friends. I've now been here since the beginning of the school year. It is now March nearing the end of school, the first track meet is today, and I have been here for seven months.

Sarah is talking about how her life sucks, and she wishes she could go to a different school. I offer in that moving isn't so great and, "I wish I could stay in one place."

"You aren't moving, are you?" Isabel questions, and Sarah adds in, "That's what I was going to ask."

"Yeah," I quietly say.

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Jun 24, 2016 ⏰

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