Chapter 3: I find Amusement in other People's Pain

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If you don't know what her eyes look look like there they are.

  /Alec's POV/

Why won't she talk to me? Yes, I know what she's done. To say I'm scared is an understatement. I know what she can do to me, but I have a reputation and I'm not gonna waste it on her. You must think I'm crazy or that I have a death wish, but I have people that will kill her if she lays a hand on me. Yes, I am in a gang, me and my friends. We call our selves the Scorpions. We are the smallest yet most dangerous gang in Australia. We may be small, but we have alliances from other gangs. Like the Lions and the Black Roses, we have atleast 10 gangs in our alliance. Anyway back to Miss Price.


She grabbed my finger and bent it in a painful angle. She glared at me through her shades and bent my finger more, causing me to hiss in pain. My friends, the ones in the gang, are watching closely and glaring at Aura. I sent them a look that said I could handle this. They nodded but still watched closely.

I looked at Aura, trying to make eye contact but that is kinda hard to do when she has shades on. She bent my finger even more, causing me to yelp in pain.

/Aura's POV/

He yelped in pain. I was bending his finger because he wouldn't stop poking me. He's lucky I didn't pummel him for touching me. I guess those anger management classes they had in juvie are paying off. Yes, I took anger management, big suprise. I really didn't have a choice, they force me to. They may have lost a security guard that day, but they got over it.

Besides, I made them a deal. If I took anger management, they would let me out without parol. Now, back to this pest.

I glared harder at him through my shades. I could tell he was trying to make eye contact, but I couldn't let that happen. My eyes are really weird. They are this purple color that turn black when I'm mad. (The pic up top) That's one reason the people in juvie are scared of me, they thought my eyes were scary when I'm mad. Trust me, I can be terrifying when I want to be. Okay Aura stop zoning out and focus on this prick who thinks he can touch you.

I bent his finger, successfully breaking it. He let out a short cry of pain, gaining the attention of the whole classroom including the teacher.

"Mr. Storm, is there something wrong?" the teacher asked. I already forgot that man's name.

"No sir." he said through clenched teeth, trying to hide his pain. To me it was amusing, but his little friends are glaring at me.

I looked back at them with a smirk, which made them angrier.
The teacher and the classroom turned back to what they were doing.


The bell rung. I stood up and walked out of the classroom with my belongings.

I was getting my textbooks for second period when I heard some one whisper in my ear. "Watch your back princess." I scoffed and walked off the second period with Ms. Hall, which is math. Oh how I hate math with a passion, but surprisingly I'm good at it.
What? Juvie has a school too. I was one of the top students actually, so I really don't have to go to school.

I am above college level in all of my classes, but with my reputation I had to start Highschool all over again. So pretty much everything is a revision for me.

I walked into the classroom and up to the teacher's desk.

"Who are you and why are you late?" she asked. I shrugged and handed her my schedule. She nodded and pointed to a desk in the back corner. Which is, unfortunately, next to one of Alec's dogs. I smirked, it's gonna be fun messing with the teacher.

/Derrick's POV/ (Alec's friend)

She flicked her black and blue hair behind her shoulder and walked to the seat beside me. She sat down and put her headphones on. She propped her feet up on the desk and took out... A cigarette?!?!?!? This girl is crazy.

She lit the cig and took a long drag.

" Miss Price, you put that cigarette out right now!!!!" Ms. Hall screeched. She chuckled and licked her lips while the smoke poured out of her mouth.

Yes, I know her. Everyone knows her. I'm one of those people who tend to themselves, but she's dangerous and I had to do research on her for the safety of my gang. Yep, we're the Scorpions. I'm second in command and the computer genius. I can break into the president's security system in two days time if I really concentrate on doing it. I'm the most quiet one in the group, as I said before, I tend to myself.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when Ms. Hall screeched again.

"Get out of my classroom, come back when you are civilized." she said.

Aura, who's name I got from research and the news, took another drag and walked out of classroom. Not before flipping off the teacher.

/Aura's POV/

I flipped the teacher off and walked out of the classroom, but not before hearing a couple of snickers from the students.

I roamed the school and decided to ditch for the rest of the day.
I hopped on my bike and rode off to my house.

I walked into my house and up to my room. I took a quick shower and put on sweatpants and a t-shirt. After that, I hopped into bed and drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


Omfg I am soooo feeling this book. The cover is soooo good. I have a feeling this book is going to work out, unlike the rest of them. I really hope you like it. Love you.

Shout out to starwarsfans   and 6ixGawdKayla . I'm going to do shout outs to two people every couple of chapters so comment your name. Thanks.


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