The Tutor

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The Tutor- A Keaton Stromberg fanfiction.

"And the answer is...Shayla!",


Laughter filled the room. I stared at my best friend Megan and saw her shrug. I just ignored it. After all I was very much used to not being able to answer any questions in Algebra. I hated it...I hated it so much. No matter what I did or how I did it I could never find the correct answer to anything.

"Shayla can I see you outside?", The teacher asked me.

"Whatever", I nodded and got up to walk outside of the door. I sate there in the hallway for a while until the teacher finally came rushing out.

"Look.....I know it's not your fault, And I get that your trying your best, but your failing math, and In order to stay on the girls football team you have to bring up your grade"


"No if's or buts bring up your grade or your coach is gonna kick you off", She walked back in the room frustrated.

I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. I didn't want to go back in the classroom but I had no other choice.

Everyone continued to stare at me as I made my way to my desk.

The bell rang and everyone gathered their stuff to go.

"Have a nice day!", The teacher yelled.

I walked out of the room and went straight to my locker wanting to leave this school for the weekend. Megan approached me.

"Can I come over?", She questioned.



Megan and I sat in my room and turned on the Tv.

"Shayla come here!", I heard from downstairs. I didn't have to ask any questions because I knew what this was about.

I lazily went down the steps and saw my mom at the end.

"Have you checked your grades recently? Your failing math", She said sternly.

"I know"

"You know? Then why aren't you trying to bring it up instead of having your friends over?"

"It's Megan"

"Yea exactly",

"Megan is over like everyday", I continued.

"Well whatever, We are getting you some help"

"Some help? Please no I don't like my teacher and she doesn't like me she'll teach me bad for all she cares",


"Then what-

"A tutor", She waved the phone in my face.

"What! Mom no!! please!", I yelled while turning around to go back to Megan.

"I've been telling you for months now to bring your grade up and it just keeps going down, I'm sorry",

I ran into my room and fell face first on my bed.

"Whats wrong?", Megan asked while scooting over to me.

"Stupid math, My mom is getting me a friggin tutor"

"Oh..", I could tell she felt bad.

"I'm sorry", Megan whispered.

"It's not your fault I'm dumb",

"Your not dumb", She stuttered.

"Then why am I failing math?", I stated.

"I I'm gonna go...Talk to you later", I heard her footsteps down the stairs.

I raised my head and laid on my back.

"This sucks", Closing my eyes I fell asleep.

"Shayla!", My mom woke me up.

"What now!", I screamed.

"Your tutor schedule is on the fridge!", She replied.

What? she actually scheduled it? I'm about to freak out.

I sighed and got up. I walked down the stairs and looked on the fridge.

I looked for this week.

"Tomorrow?! Mom tomorrow is Saturday! I have things to do", I said annoyingly.

"Well now you have to learn", She answered.

"Whats the faggots name?", I sat on the floor.

"HEY don't say that!", Her finger flew in my face.

"Whatever whats his name?", I asked again.


"Thats a stupid name", I got up and ran back to me room.

"8 Am, Tomorrow be up, he is coming then", She yelled up the stairs.

The Tutor , Keaton StrombergWhere stories live. Discover now