Partying gone crazy

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-Partying gone crazy

While we were in the limo, I played with Keaton's hair and ate a couple chips from the snack box that Ed had had.

"Do you always take random people you meet with you?", Keaton laughed trying to cool off the bad thoughts.

"Nahh only today, who wants to sit and listen to some new bands anyways? get what I'm saying lad, they probably suck", Ed kept a look out the window.

I glared and Keaton and back to Ed.

"Actually Drew and Wesley are good", I said quickly.

He gave me an odd look.

"Who are drew and Wesley?".

"Drew raps, and Wesley sings, Wes is Keaton's brother", I gave Keats a nudge and scooted in closer to him, Keaton had his hand on my thigh.

With his cute meow snapback on, I just wanted to cuddle with him into a little ball.

"and they were at the party?"

"Yes", Keaton adjusted his hat and smiled.


"This was actually their last tour day, and thats why they are partying, we couldn't come with them, they didn't want us too", I looked down but immediately back to Keaton.

"Well good thing you didn't, because now you two are here with me and we are gonna have a crazy night", Ed winked and the limo stopped in front of a bar.

Surprisingly we got in without any problem, and as soon as that happened, I got a text from wesley.

"You ok?", it read.

I smiled and replied.

"Yeah yeah, hows the party?".

"It sucks. and get this. The surprise guest didn't even show up"

I knew where the surprise guest was. I was hanging out with him. and I hate to take away their big party day but man. Ed Sheeran? he is a huge inspiration.

Should I tell him to go to the party? would he even listen?

"Having fun at the carnival baby? I miss you so much",

"Yes. Its perfect"

"Okay and...when I drop you off at your house tomorrow...I have something to tell you, and its really important", Wesley's words made me wonder, but Ed's yelling zoned me back in to real time.

"What do you want to drink?", his british accent filling my ears.

Should I just order the alcohol now? I asked myself.

Until Ed answered for me.

"3 tap beers please", he smiled and I gave him a grin.

Keaton stayed quite. I tried to get things interesting but it did not work out, so I grabbed Keaton's hands and squeezed tightly.

"This should be fun haha", I laughed and took the beer that Ed had handed me.

Keats nodded his head sarcastically.

It felt weird drinking in public. I mean...Keaton was right about earlier. Getting caught would be the end. But I wanted him to let loose, and if this is how it has to go down, then I guess we have no other choice.

After 2 I was still sober enough to realize what I was doing. Ed had went off on the dance floor with some random people after 4, and Keaton...well lets just say it started at 1 and a half.

"Shay lets dance", he spun around in a circle and began to head towards a group of people on the dance floor.

giggling, I pulled him back towards me.

"No come on", with the little non alcoholic strength he had in him, it was enough to get me to dance with him.

Tons of picture were took, I think. I saw random flashes at random times.

Another drink, and another drink.

We started getting crazier and crazier.

"Ed??", I lazily guided Keaton around trying to find Ed.

"Guys! its-its 1 o clock, you-you should r-really be heading home before the c-cops show up", Ed tripped over nothing and re gained his balance.

"C-cops?", I showed a serious face and stared at Keaton and Ed.

"Dude, I'm only kidding haha, but you have to go though, I'll see you later", he joked.

"What? your not taking us h-home?"

"No-No I'm staying here", he turned around and still drunk, walked to a brunette haired chick.

"What-What the heck?", I needed to text Wesley but what would he do if he finds out I stole his guest and am very very drunk with Keaton?

I had no other choice.

I pulled out my phone and texted slowly.

"Picksbwj us?" I accidentally wrote.

I don't think he was doing anything very important because he wrote right away.

"Um...what does that say?", He answered.

I re-read the text.

"Pick us up?", I replied.

"Yeah, this nights a bust anyways, did you have fun?".

I thought about saying yes because I did, but I once again texted my second option.

"Nope. It sucked".

"I'm sorry:( It sucks it really does".

I looked at Keaton shrugging and shook my head.

"We got a ride", I murmured falling over the curb.


10K? WHAT! I love you so much!

The Tutor , Keaton StrombergWhere stories live. Discover now