No more foolishness

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-No More Foolishness

I woke up and peered at the clock.

"11:30!", I yelled and shook Megan.

"What whats wrong?", She stuttered.

"Stupid Keaton was supposed to be here 30 minutes ago", I rubbed my forehead.

"Well I guess I'll go then, wait who's Keaton?", I ignored her and we both walked down the stairs and saw Keaton and my mom eating breakfast at the dining table.

"Um whats this?", I questioned looking at them confused.

"Well, since you weren't up and I made breakfast, Keaton got here and I invited him to eat with us", She smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Who is that?, she nudged me, He is cute", Megan pointed to Keaton.

"Um just...Just my cousin", I gave a crooked smirk and pushed Megan out of the door.

"Bye talk to you later", Once I shut the door I looked at them and put my hand up.

"What the heck? He is my tutor not someone to eat all my food", I walked up to the table and pulled out a chair.

"Be nice, he isn't helping you because he wants to", My mom looked at both of us.

"Actually...I do want to, I want her to accomplish her goal to maintain a B or higher in math class"

I gave him a stingy look.

"Since when did I say that?"

"Thats not the point, Just take this", He pulled a notebook out of his backpack. On the front was lettering.

|Work Hard Play Hard|

"Is this some sort of joke?", I cringed.

"Can I just learn some math now or are you going to continue to eat all my food?", Getting up I pushed the notebook back to him.

"Sorry not sorry but I don't need the diary"

My mom shook her head throughout the whole conversation.

"Welp I'll let you two get to it then", She took car of our plates.

This Keaton kid is up to something. Nobody in the right mind would even try to teach me, not even considering the fact that I'm unteachable in that subject.

"Shayla?", His murmur made me snap back to reality.

"Do you know all your multiplication problems?", He asked.

"I'm not that stupid", I rushed through the problems on the paper like no trouble and handed it back.

"Nice work", He started writing on a piece of paper. A list of some sort.

"Whats that", I reached for it.

"Uh uh", Keaton pulled it back.

"You writing my results or something?"


"Give it!"

"No!", He shouted.

"Keaton I swear to God-!"

"Hey! hey! hey!", my mom came rushing in, "Whats all the fuss about?"

"Keaton won't let me look at what he is writing on!", I yelled at her and glared at Keaton.

"Can I see?", My mom walked behind Keaton and he let her see. She immediately smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

"What what is it!",

She put her finger over her mouth.

"Omy gosh you guys are ridiculous", I continued solving more problems on a separate sheet of paper while she walked away. While getting to the end, I peeked up at Keaton who was playing on his phone. I noticed the List to the left and planned to get it.

I slowly reached my hand up then right when I was about to snatch it, Keaton grabbed my hand and chuckled.

"Your not getting the list"

"Aha! so it is a list!", I got up.

"It was worth a try", Keaton got up to and packed all his stuff into his messenger looking bag.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow", He held out his hand for me to shake.

"Okay...still no handshake? We'll work on that", He winked and left.

"Mom!", It's 2:00pm and I really wanted to go to get new shoes at Journeys they were on sale.

"What!", She replied.

"Can we go to Journeys!?"


I mocked her and ran back up to my bedroom. I suddenly heard someone talking outside of my window.

I couldn't make out the words but I knew it was Keaton. Opening the curtains a little, I saw him on the porch of the house across the street. A confusing look appeared on my face. I thought he didn't have other clients. The person who lived there had long black hair and was an average popular girl trying to run the school and for some reason she talks to me like I'm her friend.

I saw her standing there in front of Keaton leaning against the door. They had a couple laughs and then he finally walked inside.

The Tutor , Keaton StrombergDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora